Chapter 48 - Collecting World Errors!

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Hana looked at Deceiver who shared the exact same sentiment and decided on a new plan. What if they tried to find that dragon's origins? Well, that'd be a good plan in finding out this dragon's fixation on their father, if Deceiver wasn't so attached to him.



Cruel looked at Choi Han dead in the eye, take his baby brother? Take the child who he's been desperately trying to protect for years? It was almost baffling, did Choi Han really think that he'd just hand Deon over to them and call it a day?


Deon looked at Cruel who clashed swords with Choi Han, he could see a vein that looked like it would burst any moment on Cruel's face. Deon gulped at the murderous intent leaking from Cruel.

Someone should really stop him before he causes this whole palace to go crumbling down...

Caver held up a cup of tea, the scene unfolding in front of him was very amusing. The person in front of Cruel was obviously stronger than your average human, maybe he could kill him? No, he was a little past Jayker in terms of strength, if Cruel was able to hold him back then Choi Han couldn't kill him.

That meant that Cruel was at least on par with Choi Han, or at least a little weaker than him. But he seems to be improving on his sword movements rapidly, sooner or later he might even pass Choi Han in strength.

Was this what people call an older brother's determination? Well, Caver didn't know, he's never had a family after all.

Speaking of family, the children his Zeroth Corps Commander had brought home.. They claimed to be his children, was it even claimed if the test proved that? Come to think of it, they also spoke about their supposed other siblings as well. Just how many siblings did they have?

Life has indeed changed a lot in a span of a few weeks, months, years? Caver wasn't sure, time was going by too fast.


Allethea and Elpidius looked at the screen, they did know something was up with how Deon and Cruel acted. They saw how their uncle briefly communicated with a red butterfly on his desk, they brushed it off, but then they noticed how he began to get more secretive with many things.

They really wanted to him, they did, they were just shocked at the revelation of the Demon King. Especially with how Deon was the Zeroth Corps Commander.

Allethea looked at the broadcast in front of her, she looked at the unidentified man whose sword clashed with Cruel's. She felt a strong urge to kill the man, was he perhaps a demon? But that couldn't be the case, right?

'The urge and feeling to kill the Demon King is gone...'

She looked at her shaking hands as if they were trying to pull out a sword, only this time, it was directed at Choi Han.

But, why?

All Heroes have to kill the Demon King, and she had a Hero's Fragment, so how come?

"Allethea, are you alright?"

"Ah, yes! Thanks for asking brother!"

Allethea brushed off the odd feeling, for now she should focus on getting rid of the people threatening her uncle's position. First, she should work on the Duke Illustre, that man was the most suspicious out of everyone.

Why would the leader of the Noble's Faction always stick close to her uncle so much?

But, who could she ask for help? She worked so hard to build a reputation as an ignorant and dumb princess who only obsessed over Deon Hardt, what else could she do?

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