Chapter 30: Oh, You're Killing Me

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Three weeks later I found myself sitting on the floor leaning against the shower about to pass out. Vic walked into the bathroom with another cup of water and a sad look on his face as he handed me the water.

I pushed it away "That's only going to make it worse." I complained and felt the sickness rise in my throat again before I leaned over the toilet seat and threw up the nothing in my stomach all over again. I lost count at four on how many times I threw up.

I sat back from the toilet and took the cold rag Vic offered and laid it across my head and closed my eyes.

"I think I'm done." I whispered and tried to stand up and walk back to bed, but found myself crawling, I felt disgusting, I was too weak to get the taste out of my mouth as I gulped down as much water as I could to rid it.

Vic lifted me up and put me in bed and placed the garbage pail next to me and climbed into the other side of the bed.

"I can't sleep." I said and turned so that was laying on my back and staring at the ceiling.

"We should go to the doctors tomorrow." Vic said I nodded and continued to look at the ceiling.

"Are you excited?" I asked suddenly.

"Of course I am. I'm nervous as fuck though." He admitted sheepishly.

"Yeah, that's understandable. I am too." I whispered. My eyes started to shut and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


My leg was bouncing up and down as I waited anxiously in the waiting room as my appointment time was a mere five minutes away. Vic was next to me holding my hand tightly, not saying a word as time passed.

There was nothing to say, it was already a tense situation. Something like this was new to me. I didn't know what to say or how to act, neither did Vic, we were both at a stand still. This was the first time this was happening to either of us.

"McKenna?" The nurse said as she came out from the hallway and smiled at me. I stood up and so did Vic as she led us to a simple examination room.

"I'm just gonna take your height and weight and all that jazz and the doctor will be right in. It's just procedure." She said calmly while I took off my shoes already prepared to get this over with.

She recorded my height and weight and blood pressure and closed her laptop and walked out the door.

"I feel like a little kid again." I said sitting next to Vic and grabbing his hand.

"You're a child at heart." He said laughing.

A doctor walked through the door a moment later with a laptop in his hands and a smile on his face. "Hi! I'm Dr. Bona." He introduced sitting across from Vic and I in a swivel stool.

"Hi, I'm McKenna and this is my boyfriend Vic." I introduced smiling. Vic shook his hand and the doctor started flipping through papers.

"What brings you to the clinic today?" The doctor asked, I grabbed Vic's hand and squeezed.

"Well, I started getting sick four days ago, it's weird I'm totally weak in the morning a puking mess and by ten, I'm feeling just fine." The doctor nodded and stood up.

"Can you sit on this for me?" I got up and laid down on the makeshift, uncomfortable bed while he rolled over a machine and walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Is your menstrual cycle regular?" The doctor asked. I suddenly felt awkward with Vic being in the room, but nodded regardless.

"When was your last menstruation?" He asked.

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