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Lucas' POV

I was sweating bullets as I paced back and forth at the airport entrance. There were still no available flights going to Atherton. My heart was pumping blood faster than usual, making me feel light headed and more restless. Jackie was about to give birth to our child to the world and the universe was about to fuck things up for me. I needed to be there for her, by her side, to make her feel that I was there through the pain she was going through.

The moment my phone rang, I checked the ID and it was Maddie calling. I had sent a text to our group chat and they have been in panic mode since then. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Yes, Maddie," I said, sounding so out of breath as if I had been running around the whole airport building.

"Lucas. Where are you now?"

"At the airport. What is it?"

She said something to someone before clearing her throat.

"Lucas. My dad owns a private jet that is in one of the hangers at the airport. I spoke to my father and he said you can use it. I have already sent an email to the manager at the airport and a pilot should be arriving in an hour to take you to atherton."

It felt like a cool sensation went through me, calming me down. I thanked Maddie before ending the call and making my way inside the airport. I sat down on one of the benches and leaned over with my elbows on my knees and face in my hands. One hour was a long time but enough for me to meet up.

I sat straight and dialed Jackie's number. The more it rang, my heart pounded faster. When she did not answer, I bit hard on my lip, I almost hurt myself. I dialed her number again and she still did not respond. It was not possible that she already went into labor. Her cervix couldn't possibly dilate that fast, could it? That couldn't be... The books I read on being a first time mom gave me everything I needed to know, which was why I needed to be there for her. As the hours passed, the dilation and cramps would be too much.

I checked the time on my phone... fifty minutes more.

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I was in the air, heading to Atherton and barely sitting with a calm mind as I was still trying to contact Jackie and even Andrea, but none of them were answering. I just wanted to know how she was doing and how close she was to bringing our child into the world. I was so nervous that I had even shit one too many times on the jet. I knew we were close to Atherton and would probably land soon but at that moment, I felt as if I wanted to fly through the sky and land in the hospital.

I sent another text to Andrea and forced myself to relax, maybe if I had a short nap, It would cut the time short. I dropped my phone and shut my eyes while leaning into my seat.

Half an hour later, we landed, and I ran out of the airport with a speed I never used even on the basketball court or racetracks. I got to the parking lot where the motorcycle I had asked Axel to have ket for me was and got on it. I found the key hidden in a pouch inside the helmet and wore it. I started the motorcycle and rode it out. As the cold air hit my skin from my speed, all I could think about was Jackie and how she needed me there. I didn't care if the cops chased me, I had to get to the love of my life in time.

Some minutes later, I got to the hospital and rushed into the building. I stopped at the front desk, breathing hard and fast, scaring the nurses behind the desk. Before I could open my mouth to speak, I heard someone call my name. I looked over my shoulder and saw Andrea walking toward me, wearing a hospital scrub. I forgot for a second that she studied medicine. I pushed that aside and jogged over to her and stopped before her, grabbing her arms.

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