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Lucas' POV

After I went home to freshen up, I rushed back to the hospital, not wanting to stay away from Jackie and our newborn for too long. When I arrived, I saw our mothers standing at the entrance of Jackie's room arguing.

I stood for a few seconds to understand what was happening, listening in on their argument.

"You have no right being here."

"And you do? That is my son's child there... my grandchild!"

"The son who abandoned my daughter?"

I needed to put an end to this. They were running their mouths in front of Jackie's room door and the last thing I needed was for her to hear the things they were saying about us.

"You are—"

"You better get—"

"Enough." I cut them off and marched over to them. I glared at each of them. "You two need to take your problems away from me and my family. Jackie does not need any of this shit you two are doing and if you cannot get over your fucking problems for once or at least for your kids, I don't want any of you near us."

I could see the offense on their faces, and I didn't care if they were offended. I didn't give a single fuck. The most important thing right now was being with Jackie and our son. I scoffed at them and walked between them to the door. I held the handle and looked over my shoulder.

"Also, however Jackie and I want our relationship to be is our business, not either of yours."

I opened the door and stepped into the room and closed it behind me. I smiled when I saw Jackie sitting on her bed with our bundle of joy sucking from her breast. I felt happy at the sight and approached them.

"Hello," I said and sat down on the chair beside her bed.

"Hi," she said and rubbed Drake's head. "He is such a peaceful baby. I can't believe I gave birth to him. He is so cute."

I nodded as I stared at Drake resting in his mother's arms. I could see a slight resemblance to when I was a baby. He looked like me when I was around the same age as he is now.

"How are you?" I asked as she moved him away from her chest.

I rose from my seat and gently took him from her. He was so small in my arms and holding him felt like the first time I held him in the labor room. He felt so precious in my arms, it made my eyes sting. I adjusted him in my arms and rocked him gently. He looked at me and I knew he was not at the age where he could see people or things clearly but the fact that his blue eyes were trained on me made my heart flutter.

"I can't believe he took after you so much," she said, and I chuckled.

"Come on, now. He's like half a day old. I'm sure as he grows, he'll come to look like both of us."

"Tch," she said and stayed silent for a few seconds. "I heard our moms talking."

I groaned. "Can we not talk about those old ladies?"

"I understand their concerns. Both of theirs."

I looked up from Drake to stare at her for a thoughtful second. I understood them too. The idea of your child suffering from heartbreak would make any parent on the defensive. Even the thought of anyone harming Drake made me feel a sense of anger in my chest.

"But... this is my life... My mom and your mom can't tell me what to do." She paused. "If I choose to be with you, it is my choice.... If anything, the fact that we are now parents makes me."

My heart skipped a beat at her words. I was hopeful, waiting to hear a heart fluttering statement from her. I was desperate for her attention, her love, anything to make her mine again.

She leaned against her pillow with a wince. Once she was comfortable, she stared at me with some look in her eyes. I knew that look. Her eyes were like an open window right now, showing me her feelings. I didn't want to be delusional, but something told me that she was making me see her love for me.

"Never mind."

My heart deflated. I masked my disappointment with a forced smile and looked down at Drake. He was fast asleep. I walked over to his crib on the other side of the bed and cradled him for a minute more before laying him down in his bed. I leaned over and kissed the crown of his head and took a whiff of his baby scent. I loved him so much.

I stood straight and went back to the chair and sat down. We stayed in a comfortable silence; her shutting her eyes and me feeling like I wanted to say something but at the same time, I had nothing to say to her. It felt like an eternity went by before she opened her eyes and turned her head to look at me. She had that look in her eyes again and like a sucker for her love, I fell into those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Lucas," she said in a whisper-like voice.

I swallowed, scared of what would come out of her mouth.

"Y-yes?" I replied and she smiled.

"Will you ever hurt me again?"

The question sent me off guard for some seconds. I blinked in confusion before the weight of her words filled me to the brim. Would I hurt her again? I was scared of having an encounter in the future that will affect her. I was scared I would do something to hurt her, but I was certain of one thing.

"No... I swear never to hurt you ever again." I rose from my seat and took her hand in mine. "I swear to you, Jackie. The day I hurt you is the day I die. I would rather hurt you when I die than hurt you over anything else. You have my heart and I belong to you. You mean so much to me and I will do everything to make you feel loved. I swear on my life that I will never hurt you again."

She thinned her lips and nodded her head as tears filled her eyes.

"I just want us to have a perfect life from now on... Even though we are still young, I want to experience so much with you." She pulled her hand out of mine and held mine instead. "Let's try again but this time... let's take things slow."

My heart exploded with so much joy.


"So, Mr. Bad boy... will you give us another chance?"

I laughed and leaned forward while raising our hands to my face. I kissed the back of her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Yes, my good girl."

A/N: Readers on Radish Fiction and Dreame, I made an update of chapter 75.

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