before my eyes

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Taylor's POV

"Joe! Dinner's ready!" I called out as I set the plates down on the table, and smiled down as my three cats came running in. "Oh you too huh?" I crouched down as they rubbed around my ankles, purring. "You're just being cute because you want food." I crooned, going over to the cupboard and digging the cat food out of the bottom.

I smiled, shaking my head at the three of them as they dove into their bowls the second I'd filled them. Really, you'd think I never fed them. Turning away, I stashed the bag away and washed my hands, wiping down the counter. I'd done the dishes as I cooked, wanting the chores to be done early tonight since I had plans with Selena.

"Joe?" I called out again when he still hadn't appeared. "You coming?" Footsteps came down the hall and I sighed to myself when I saw Joe pulling on a jacket. "Going out?" I asked.

"Yeah, some guys are getting drinks." He came over to grab his keys where I'd hung them up beside the fridge. "Are you still staying at Selena's tonight?" I nodded. "When will you be back?"

"I don't know, sometime in the afternoon probably." I shrugged. "I'll text you."

"Cool, see you later." Joe turned away, ignoring my outstretched hand that I extended. I watched him walk out, dropping my arm back to my side with a sigh as the front door slammed closed behind him.

Taking one of the plates off the table, I dumped the food into a container and placed it into the fridge for later. Then I grabbed my phone, falling into a chair at the table. I saw a text from Selena I'd missed from a few minutes ago and clicked on it as I stabbed a vegetable with my fork. Letting out a sigh, I replied and placed my phone down. 

Selena: Sorry to do this to you, but I have to cancel on tonight. Gracie's sick.

Me: Not a problem, totally understand. Say hi to her from me and tell her I hope she feels better soon <3

I ate slowly, watching the cats as they finished eating. Mere and Olivia wandered off, probably to curl up and go to sleep, but Benji climbed up on my lap and curled up there. I smiled down at him, a little glad Selena had cancelled. As much as I'd been looking forwards to hanging out with her, I'd been tired and stressed out lately and wouldn't mind a night to rest.

Once I'd eaten, I brought in the washing, folded it, and put it away. I vacuumed the apartment, dusted the rooms, and then curled up on the couch with a blanket and the cats to watch a movie. It wasn't often that I got all three of them to hang out with me, so it was nice to have them all curled up around where I sat.

Just after eleven, I heard a car pull up and stop outside and straightened up, reaching for the remote. I turned the TV off and the room plunged into darkness since I'd turned off the lights earlier. Glancing down, I tried to work out a way to extract myself from the blanket without jostling the cats. I heard the front door open and glanced up, about to call out to Joe when I heard voices. More than one.

"You're sure your girlfriend's not going to come home early?" A light, feminine voice giggled. Joe laughed.

"No, I checked." He said quietly, and I froze as I heard a soft sigh and a sound that could only be one thing. A kiss. "We don't need to worry about her. She's a real dumb blonde. Wouldn't notice I was cheating on her if it hit her in the face."

I pressed a hand to my mouth, tears filling my eyes at his cruel comment. Then there were footsteps, and I stifled a gasp as I watched Joe walk past the doorway. A short, dark haired girl was with him, his arm around her shoulders and her hand sliding up his chest. Bile rose in my throat as they walked past and I slumped back against the couch as I heard the bedroom door click shut.

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