precious girl

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Travis' POV

"Travis?" A soft mumble reached my ears and I yawned as the sound woke me.

"Yeah?" I murmured, lifting a hand to rub my eyes before blinking them open. "You okay sweet girl?" I asked my wife who was lying on her side facing me.

"Mhmm." Taylor nodded, but she didn't sound too sure. 

"Hey." I propped myself up on my elbow, reaching across to touch her cheek. "What's up?"

"Something feels weird." Taylor whispered, and my gaze flickered down to the swell of her stomach poking out from her tank top, which had ridden up in the night. 

"With the baby?" I asked, and she nodded. "What feels weird? Are you in pain?"

"No, nothing hurts." Taylor shook her head and sighed, rubbing a hand over her stomach. "It just feels really weird. Like...heavy." She sucked in a nervous breath, her bottom lip trembling like she might cry.

"Hey, hey." I stroked her cheek. "Breathe. Everything's fine." Taylor had been anxious her whole pregnancy, always worried that something would go wrong. It had been my job to calm her down, and I'd done my best. Taylor looked at me, sucking in a few breaths as I coaxed her through it. "Good girl." I murmured. "Okay. You're close to your due date, so this might be the start of labor. We're going to get you comfortable, and I'll let your midwife know to see what she'll have us do. Sound good?"

Taylor nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. I got up out of bed and helped Taylor to sit up, propping pillows behind her back. She cradled her stomach nervously as I tucked blankets around her legs, and once I'd made sure that she was as comfortable as she could be, I went to find my phone. Finding it in the kitchen, I texted Taylor's midwife - Jules - and told her what Taylor had told me. While I waited for a response, I got Taylor a glass of water and some snacks in case she got hungry, taking them back into our bedroom.

"Anything feel different?" I asked her, setting everything on the nightstand before sitting down on the bed next to my wife. Taylor shook her head. Then my phone pinged and I reached for it.

Jules: Get her to take some painkillers if she's uncomfortable, but that's not a feeling to worry about, and it's completely normal. This could be early signs of labor, but until anything else happens just try to go about your day normally. Call me if anything changes.

"Okay sweetheart, Jules said that feeling is completely normal and there's no need to worry about it." I told Taylor who stared back at me, still nibbling on her lip. "I can get you some painkillers if you want, but she said just go about our day as normal for now."

"It's normal?"

"Totally normal." I rubbed her thigh through the blanket and Taylor breathed out a sigh of relief. "I know you worry sweetheart, but you and baby will be completely fine. I promise."

"You promise?" Taylor whispered.

"Pinkie promise." I smiled, holding up my pinkie. Taylor smiled back, wrapping her pinkie around mine with a nod.

Reassured, Taylor let me help her out of bed. I made her some breakfast, which she ate most of, and she seemed a lot happier when she'd eaten. As I cleaned up the kitchen, Taylor let out a sigh.

"Travis?" She asked, and I glanced up at her. "I want to know what's in the envelope now."

"You do?" I leaned against the counter and Taylor nodded. "Okay sweetheart, we can do that."

Taylor and I had agreed that we didn't want to know whether our baby was a boy or a girl until right before they were born. The doctor had given us an envelope with the gender written inside, and it had been sitting unopened for months. Taylor was going to tell me when she thought she might go into labor soon, and we would have our little gender reveal. I'd been itching to know for so long, and was so excited that we could finally find out.

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now