so high school

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'touch me while your bros play grand theft auto'

December 2023
Taylor's POV

Singing quietly to myself, I moved around the kitchen, ducking down to take the tray of cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Turning to place the tray down to cool, I jumped when I looked up and saw Travis standing there, watching me. He smiled.

"Look at you, you're so cute." He murmured, moving to wrap his arms around me and pull me back against his chest. I giggled as he kissed the curve of my neck gently, his lips soft and warm against my skin. "What are you up to hmm?"

"I thought you guys might like them for when you're hanging out this afternoon." I motioned to the cinnamon rolls. I'd made them before and Travis' friends had really loved them. 

"Well thank you baby, that's very sweet of you." Travis kissed my cheek. I sighed, tilting my head back as he kissed my jaw, my neck.

"You're being very affectionate today." I murmured, sliding a hand back and up around his neck, stroking his hair gently. 

"I'm still getting used to having you around, I'm going to miss when you have to go back on tour." Travis sighed, and I nodded. I would too. Then there was a ding from our doorbell camera and Travis reached over, pressing the button to open the door without letting me go. "You gonna come hang out with us or have you got something to do?" He rested his head against mine, holding me close. 

"Do I have a choice?" I giggled, sure he'd probably drag me along with him. We'd spent the last few days practically attached at the hip since we weren't used to having all this time to ourselves.

"No." Travis smiled, turning me around in his arms and tucking his fingers under my chin. I leaned into him as he kissed me lightly, rising up on my toes.

"Alright, calm down!" Aric called out as he walked into the kitchen. "No one needs to see that."

Travis pulled back, rolling his eyes as he turned to greet his friend. I smiled to myself, cheeks flushed as I grabbed a bowl to start on the icing. Patrick and Ross turned up soon after, greeting me warmly. I finished off the cinnamon rolls and then stacked them onto plates, taking them over to where the guys had ended up on the couch. They all had a lot going on at the moment, so were just taking some time to hang out for an afternoon away from all the chaos. 

"You guys want a drink?" I murmured, resting a hand on Travis' shoulder. He nodded and moved to get up, and I smiled. "I got it." I kissed the top of his head. "You stay there."

Travis smiled at me as I went back to the kitchen, taking four beers out from the back of the fridge. Cracking them open, I stacked them into my arms and carried them over.

"Thanks, here." Patrick leaned over to take them so he could pass them around. 

I left the guys to themselves, going off into the studio to see if I had any inspiration. But after a little while of nothing, I sighed to myself and got up, putting my guitar away. Sometimes I had nothing, and that was okay. I couldn't force it.

The guys had turned on the TV and were playing Grand Theft Auto when I came out, Travis and Patrick using the controllers while Aric and Ross watched. Smiling to myself, I climbed onto the couch next to Travis. It was really nice being off tour, just doing normal things like a normal person. As much as I loved to perform, I needed these kinds of breaks.

When their game ended, Travis and Patrick swapped with Aric and Ross. As soon as he had his hands free, Travis put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close so I was curled up against his side. I lifted my chin, resting my head back against the couch cushions so I could look at him. Travis met my gaze with a small smile, one of his hands resting on the side of my thigh below my shorts, thumb stroking gently as we looked at each other.

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now