the wrong time to be clumsy

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tw: needles

December 8th
Travis' POV

"Ugh, I'm so sad this is almost over!" Gracie sighed to me as we watched Taylor sing on top of the folklore cabin. "How's Taylor doing about the end of all this?"

"She's really bummed, but she's so excited for what's next." I told her. Taylor had been a huge mix of emotions lately, really sad but also really happy. She'd been a total handful, but I'd understood why she felt that way and had taken care of her the best I could.

"Mhmm." Gracie nodded. 

I smiled to myself, my heart fluttering in my chest as Taylor waved her fingers playfully at the crowd, blowing a kiss as she stood up. The crowd roared, clapping as she unhooked herself from the belt around her waist and walked carefully down the ramp to the stairs. Like she was trying to soak in the moment, she lifted her head to gaze out at the audience with the most adorable smile on her face.

I saw it happening before it actually happened, and a shout rose in my throat a fraction of a second before Taylor stumbled. Her dress, or her foot, I wasn't sure, but something caught and she went tumbling, her purple dress billowing out around her. Screams and cries erupted through the stadium as Taylor fell almost in slow motion, plummeting off the side of the cabin and onto the stage. I pressed my hands over my mouth, terror overwhelming me as her body crashed onto the stage. Taylor's microphone went flying, the purple dress settling down around her. She was still, so still.

"Fuck." Gracie whispered. "Oh my god."

People rushed onto the stage, Taylor's backup dancers making it there before security did. They surrounded her, concealing her from view. The stadium rose in volume as I rushed out of the tent, Gracie running behind me as we almost sprinted through the crowd. People parted for us, making a path. My heart was in my mouth as I saw medics make it up to where Taylor was lying, pushing everyone away to get to her. 

"Travis no!" Tree appeared out of nowhere, grabbing my arm and forcing me to stop as I made for the stage. "You can't help her by going up there."

"No." I shook my head, turning towards the stage. Gracie grabbed my other arm.

"Travis she's right." She whispered. 

I broke down. Gracie hugged me as I sobbed, terrified for what was going up on the stage. Taylor couldn't be hurt. She had to be okay. But that was a long fall, and she was only human.

"Shh, she'll be okay." Gracie soothed. "She's strong. She'll be okay."

But I knew she was only telling me what I wanted to hear. None of us were stupid. 

"Okay, Travis, if you want to go with her you need to move now." Tree told me, on the phone with someone as she tapped my arm. "They're taking her out to the ambulance." I nodded, and she grabbed my hand as we rushed away. Tears were running down my face as Tree pushed her way backstage, taking the quickest exit out to the back of the stadium. "Go." She nudged me in the direction of the ambulance that was parked against the curb. "You go with her. I'll catch up."

I nodded, rushing over and climbing into the back. Taylor was being fussed over by one paramedic, lying on her back, her eyes closed. There was a gash oozing blood on her temple and one of her legs had a splint. I pressed my lips together, gazing at my girl as the ambulance pulled out into the road. The blood was wiped off her forehead and a dressing applied for now, but they didn't seem to be in a huge panic, which reassured me that maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. I sat there in agony, crying silently.

"Would you like to come with her Mr Kelce?" One of the paramedics asked when we got to the hospital. I nodded, getting out of the way as they slowly got Taylor out of the ambulance.

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