sweet nothings

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Taylor's POV

"Cheers!" I crowed, clashing my glass against the three others being offered up by my friends.

"Happy birthday bitch!" Abigail cheered over the loud music of the bar. "Here's to finally legal!"

"Hell yeah!" I giggled, downing my shot and slamming it down. My friends clapped as I took a bow, and then I noticed my phone buzzing on the table. Picking it up, I rolled my eyes. "Daddy dearest, excuse me." I held up a finger as I got up. My dad did not like when I missed his calls. "Hey Dad." I answered as I stumbled outside into the cool night air.

"Where are you?" Dad snapped.

"Birthday drinks." I giggled.

"You come home right now young lady."

"Dad!" I whined. "Leave me alone, it's my birthday!"

"Do you know how much money you've spent in the last week Taylor?" Dad snapped. "I am sick of your reckless spending and this is the last straw." I rolled my eyes. He did this every few months; complained about how I acted with my rich friends and how I flashed his credit card and woke up hungover every weekend, but he never did anything about it. "Send me your location, and I'll have Frankie come and pick you up. You're coming home, and we're making a change."

"No." I stomped my foot. 

"Yes, right now young lady."

Dad hung up and I huffed, sending him my location since I knew he would never let me forget it if I didn't. I texted my friends to tell them where I was going as Frankie turned up with the car and I got in the back, huffy and pissed off. My father was a real prick sometimes, only deciding he wanted to control me when he felt like it. He picked and chose how he pleased and it pissed me off. 

I slumped back, folding my arms and crossing my legs. That pushed my tight black miniskirt even higher up the top of my thighs, and I reached down to fiddle with the straps of my sky high heels as something dug in. 

Half an hour later, Frankie pulled the car up the driveway of my dad's huge mansion and parked outside the door. I got out, muttering my thanks as I slammed the door shut and threw my purse over my shoulder. Without knocking, I barged in through the front door. The house was quiet, so I stomped my way upstairs and clattered down the hallway to dad's office. Again, without knocking, I pushed the door open and walked though. My Dad was sitting at his desk, talking to a man sitting in the chair across from him. They both looked up when I barged in, pausing in conversation.

"Alright, I'm here." I stuck my hands on my hips. "Get this over with so we can go back to normal."

"Taylor." Dad said. "This is Travis Kelce."

"Yeah, hi." I waved my hand at the guy without looking at him. "Whatever."

"No, you need to meet him." Dad insisted. "Travis is going to be your new bodyguard. He's going to live with you for the next six months."

"What?" I frowned. "I don't need a bodyguard."

"Yes you do, you're reckless and I'm sick of it. I have a reputation to uphold and it doesn't help when my daughter parades around town in almost no clothes getting drunk and sleeping with whoever she wants where people can splash you all over the tabloids."

"Yeah, sure." I laughed. "We done here?" I turned towards the door.

"I've just cancelled all of your credit cards and disabled your phone." Dad spoke up, making me pause. "You're moving out of my house into a small place of your own. The rent has been paid a month in advance, and when the month is up you need to take it over with a job. Travis will live with you, and he has full authority over where you go and what you do." My mouth dropped open; surely he wasn't serious. "I'm not kidding young lady, you need to learn that life is something you need to work for, and you're nothing but a spoiled brat. That's all my fault, and I'll make sure I set my mistake right."

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora