third wheel

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Inspired by that one friends episode of Ross, Carol, and Susan (iykyk)

Taylor's POV

"Babe." Joe sighed, planting kisses down my arm, his intentions clear.

"I don't feel like it tonight." I mumbled.

"You never feel like it." My boyfriend pointed out. "And you haven't felt like it in three months Taylor. Is there something going on?" He abandoned his attempts at dragging me into our bedroom and sat down at the table next to me. I shrugged, so Joe reached out and pushed my computer down, forcing me to look at him. "Taylor, seriously. Our sex life is non-existent. Is it just boring, is that why you don't feel like it anymore?" I shrugged again.

The truth was, I just no longer felt like having sex with Joe. For years I'd put up with his lousiness in bed, of the sex that lasted all of a minute before he finished and left me unsatisfied. It just wasn't worth it for me anymore, and I'd accepted that the sex was never going to be good between us. Joe had persisted for months to get me back into bed, but I'd always found an excuse not to. Work, friends, family, anything.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"We can try other things." Joe took my hand. "I've been looking at things that know...make it more fun."

"Yeah like what?" I sighed, sure it was going to be something tame. Truthfully, I wanted so much more out of sex than Joe could ever give me. I wanted to be dominated, treated like a filthy slut, held down and fucked mercilessly. Joe, well he was more of a one round on top me kinda guy.

"Well, some people tie each other up." He started, and I raised my eyebrows. I'd like nothing more than to be tied up, but Joe couldn't do it right if someone gave him an instruction manual and a compass. "Yeah." Joe agreed with my expression. "I read somewhere that there's..."

"What about a threesome?" I cut him off. Joe blinked at me and I blushed a little. Had I said that too eagerly? "Just an idea." I mumbled, but god, if anything could get me into bed it was the idea of a third person.

"Like another girl?" Joe asked, and I could see that he didn't push the idea away.

"More like another guy." I bit my lip.

"Babe." Joe sighed. "You know I'm straight."

"Yeah, well you don't have to do anything with him." I murmured. "Come on. Just try it."

"Alright." Joe sighed with a small nod. "If that's what you think might help. I know a guy who might be into it." He picked up his phone, glancing at me. "You know, it's kinda hot you want to try something like that babe." His hand moved to my thigh, and I shifted back.

"Save it." I breathed. "It'll be better."

Joe sighed but gave up, leaning away from me. He reached out to this guy he knew that might be interested, and god I just prayed whoever this guy was, he knew his way around the female body. If it was just another Joe, I'd give up completely.

Two days later, a light knock on the door had me scrambling to my feet. I'd already showered, shaved every inch of my body, and put on my sexiest lingerie beneath my clothes. Joe was working in the office, so he didn't see how quickly I'd jumped up from the couch. He hadn't been fully onboard with this threesome thing, but I'd assured him that it wouldn't be that bad.

Rushing to the front door, I pulled it open. The man in front of me took my breath away. He was tall, broad, with muscles that showed through the shirt he wore. I swallowed, lifting my gaze to meet a pair of pale green eyes that crinkled in a kind smile when they met mine.

"You must be Taylor." He murmured, holding out a hand. "I'm Travis."

"Hi." I blushed as I shook his hand. Travis looked me up and down, and his smile changed. Like he wanted me. Fuck, I already wanted him. He was so much more a man than Joe ever was, and I'd only known him five seconds. Travis looked like he could fuck me. "Come in." I whispered. "I'm so glad you came."

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now