the studio floor

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Taylor's POV

"Honey, calm down." My Mom laughed at me from my phone where I was facetiming her, watching as I fussed around my apartment. "This isn't the first time you've spent the weekend with Travis."

"I know." I huffed. "But it's the first time we're spending the weekend here and I just really want to have a clean house." Mom chuckled at me and I shot her a look. "What?"

"It's just nice to see you so in love sweetheart." She told me and I flushed. "But breathe. I know you've already cleaned your whole place, and it's not like Travis would even care. He's coming to see you, not your apartment. Just relax." Then there was a knock on my front door and I glanced up. "Tell Travis I said hi."

"Kay." I hung up the phone, placing it on my kitchen island before taking in a deep breath. Travis and I had only been dating a few months, and even though it already felt like we'd been together forever, I was still a little nervous about him coming to my apartment for the first time. 

Wiping my hands down on my pale denim shorts, I moved to tuck my hair behind both ears as I walked down to the front door. When I opened it, my nerves melted away at the sight of the man waiting there for me. Pale green eyes crinkled into a soft smile as they met mine, and Travis dropped the duffel bag he was holding in favor of pulling me into his arms. I let out a giggle, and the sound was quickly stifled as Travis kissed me, sliding his hands around my waist and up my back. Stretching up, I rested my palms against his chest and let him sweep me into a kiss that made me dizzy.

"Hey baby." He murmured, pulling back just a fraction. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I sighed, blinking my eyes open to gaze up at my boyfriend. Travis smiled, leaning closer to press another kiss against my lips. "Come in." I murmured when we parted the second time. "How was your flight?"

"Too long." Travis told me as he picked his bag back up and closed the door as I led him inside. "Wow." He murmured, and I turned around to see him looking at the picture frames plastered up and down my hallway.

"I like pictures." I flushed, and he smiled at me.

"It's adorable."

I smiled back as I showed Travis down to my bedroom, and he left his bag on the end of my bed as I took him on a quick tour of my apartment. My nerves had faded, and I couldn't stop smiling. Travis seemed to genuinely love being in my space, and he was interested in every room, asking questions, making little comments. 

"Oh hello babies!" I smiled when I took Travis through the living room and saw my three cats crowding in the kitchen. "These are my little terrors." I said and Travis chuckled as I went to get the cat food and refilled their food bowls. "They're just crabby because they're hungry." I told him as I put the bag of food away. "That one is Benji, he's my little boy." I smiled at him as he dove into his bowl. "And that's Meredith, and that's Olivia."

"They're adorable." Travis wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. "I think they get it from their mother."

"That's such a cheesy line." I giggled, but I was secretly delighted at his comment. Turning around in Travis' arms, I looked up at him. "Are you hungry? I was going to make dinner soon."

"Great, I'll help." He kissed my forehead. "What are we making?"

I showed Travis around my kitchen a little, and we started making dinner, chatting as we did so. It was so much fun just being casual with him, spending our time out of sight of the world. Cooking with him felt so domestic, so natural. I couldn't stop getting distracted, glancing over at him as we moved around each other. My heart fluttered every time he looked up and caught me staring, returning a warm smile.

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