how could you?

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Taylor's POV

My hands shook as I stared down at the little cardboard box balanced on the edge of the sink, willing myself to just open it already. Just do it Taylor, it's not that hard.

"Oh fuck." I sighed, reaching for my phone. Travis was at an away game and wouldn't be back until tonight, so I was all alone, and I couldn't do this by myself. Chewing on my bottom lip, I called Selena, knowing she was in Kansas City this week and hoping she was free.

"Hey girl!" She answered quickly. 

"Hey." I sighed in relief. "Are you in the city?" Selena made a small hum that told me she was. "Can you come over? I need your help."

"Sure, I can be there in twenty minutes." I heard the jangle of keys in the background. "What's up? You and Travis okay?"

"Oh yeah, it's not about Travis. I'll tell you when you get here okay?"

"Okay babe, be there soon."

Selena hung up and I placed my phone down, sitting down on the edge of the bath. That was one of the things I loved most about my friendship with Selena; if we needed each other, it was no questions asked, and we got there as soon as we could. She didn't care why I needed her, she'd just rush over. And I was so, so glad she was in the city. I couldn't do this by myself.

There was a meow by my feet and I looked down, smiling when I saw Benji had pushed through the crack in the bathroom door and had come over. He rubbed against my ankles, purring as he lifted up on his back legs, bracing his front paws on my knee.

"You can come up." I patted my thigh and he jumped the rest of the way up onto my lap, butting his head against my stomach. My breath caught in my throat; he'd never done that before. "You think so too huh buddy?" I scratched gently under his chin. 

I waited in tense silence for Selena to arrive, glad for Benji's company. Mere and Olivia were probably off sleeping.

"Hey!" I heard Selena call out a little while later as the front door slammed closed. She had a spare key, so I was used to her just walking in when she came around. "Taylor, where are you?"

"Bathroom!" I called back, and footsteps came down the hallway. Selena appeared in the doorway, pushing it open and smiling when she saw me.

"Hey, oh hi Benji!" She crooned, coming over to rub his stomach. Then her eyes landed on the pregnancy test still in its box on the sink and her eyes widened, meeting mine. "You think you're pregnant?" Her voice was quiet, like she thought someone might overhear us even though there was no one else here. I nodded slowly. "Oh my god!" Selena threw her arms around my neck. "That's so great Taylor, you and Travis are going to be such wonderful parents."

"I haven't taken the test yet." I giggled nervously as she pulled back. "That's what I needed you for. I'm too scared to do it on my own." I sighed. "Help me?"

"Well I'm not gonna help you pee on the stick, but other than that I'm totally here for you." Selena sat down next to me. "Does Travis know?" I shook my head. I'd only realized this morning that I'd been having some strange symptoms and didn't want to freak Travis out if the test came back negative. "Aw, does this mean we get to do a big reveal for him?"

"Chill, let's save the planning until after I take the test." I nudged her arm, and Selena laughed.

She took Benji off my lap, playing with him as I opened the box and unfolded the instructions. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I slowly took the test, fingers shaking. When I was done, I placed it face down on the sink and threw everything else into the bin. Selena glanced up, giving me a tentative smile as I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to sit on the ground.

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