my girl

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Travis' POV

"Dude seriously, if you check your phone one more time I'm going to throw it out the fucking window." Patrick told me as I picked it up again, scrolling down to check any new notifications. "She's not coming, and the sooner you accept that, the faster you can get over her."

"I know, I know." I sighed, placing my phone face down on the bench and leaning my elbows on my knees. "But I really thought she'd come."

The elusive Taylor Swift. I hadn't believed my luck when she'd reached out to me after the podcast about her. Turns out all it took was my brother mentioning her name and my failed attempt at shooting my shot. We'd been texting on and off for weeks, and god, she was fucking incredible. She was flirty, cheeky, incredibly smart and witty. I wanted her more than I wanted anything in my life, and I'd sworn to stop at nothing until I had her. But as soon as I'd mentioned inviting her to my game, she'd gone all distant, stopped replying as often, and that spark dimmed slightly. I knew she hadn't split with her ex an awful long time ago, but she'd assured me she was way past caring about that relationship. Maybe she was wary of something new, maybe she didn't like me as much as I thought she had. I hadn't heard from her in three days since I'd asked her if she was interested in coming to the stadium today, even though I'd texted her once since then. 

I couldn't help it; I reached for my phone again. Unlocking it, I clicked on the messages I shared with Taylor and scrolled up, reading our last good conversation before I'd apparently ruined everything.

Taylor: No way you could keep up with a three hour show, you'd keel over three songs in

Me: You think you'd be able to keep up with a game

Taylor: Touche

Taylor: But I think I have a better chance of keeping up with you than you keeping up with me

Me: Keep dreaming princess

Taylor: In any case, I know a few techniques to slow a man down

Me: If you ever wanted to use those techniques on me, I wouldn't be opposed

Taylor: Keep it in your pants

I'd started calling her princess a little while back, slipping into the nickname effortlessly. Taylor reacted to it every time, sending me a little unamused emoji or one rolling its eyes, or a sarcastic comment. But she didn't seem to mind the playful nickname, so I'd kept calling her that. Because that was the goal; I wanted her to be my princess. 

With a sigh, I typed out one more message to Taylor. Today was the last straw for me. She'd dodged questions about meeting up for a while now, and I'd always chalked it up to her busy schedule, but this time I knew she'd just been avoiding me. I could only let her stomp on my heart for so long with those little jokes, her sarcastic comments, her sexual innuendoes. I'd been in love with her for years, but I couldn't let this go on if she was just going to use me to text when she was bored. I wanted more.

Me: If I don't see you up in that box princess, I'll assume you're not coming for me

She'd know what I meant. Don't show up; I'd vanish. I couldn't do this forever. But what she didn't know is that my will was thin. I could talk up my boundaries and say this was her last chance, but I knew I'd give that woman whatever she wanted. She had me tightly wrapped around those delicate fingers. With a sigh, I went to put my phone down, but it buzzed in my hand and I flipped it over.

Taylor: Bold you to assume I ever intended to cum for you

Not a turndown; a tease. She'd misspelled that word on purpose. Was she here? Was she sitting up in that box right now, smirking down at her phone? Knowing what she was doing to me?

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