you're all i had

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Taylor's POV

The gravel crunched under my feet as I stepped out of the car, moving slowly as I rubbed a hand over my swollen stomach. Taking in a deep breath of the chilly October air, I reached back into the car to grab the bunch of white roses I'd brought with me, clutching them against my chest as I slammed the door shut and locked the car. The beep rang loudly through the empty carpark and I shivered, glancing around as I walked up to the gate. 

As many times as I'd been here over the last few months, the cemetery still creeped me out a little when it was silent like this. But I couldn't stay away, not on a normal day, and especially not today.

Tears already pricking in my eyes, I slowly walked over the grass, taking the familiar path through the stones. I forced myself not to walk too fast, one hand resting on my stomach. My pregnancy had been classed as high risk since I'd been sick the first few months, and I was on strict instructions from my doctors to limit myself. At thirty-five weeks, I knew I only had so much time before I'd be forced into bedrest, making sure I didn't go into early labor. Baby was measuring behind what they should be, and my doctors wanted to delay my labor as long as possible.

"Hi honey." I whispered when I stopped in front of the grave I'd laid eyes upon so often these last six months. Moving ever so carefully, I sat down on my knees and placed the roses on Travis' grave. "Happy birthday."

A tear dripped down my cheek, but I didn't wipe it away, knowing more would soon follow. I let out a sigh, just gazing at the headstone. 

Travis Michael Kelce
October 5th, 1989 - 3rd April, 2025
Forever in our hearts

"I wrote a new song the other day." I said quietly after a few minutes of silence. "It's the first one I've come up with since you had to go." Sniffing, I stroked the grass I knelt on. "It's depressing as hell, but that's really all I can come up with right now."

I'd retreated from the world since that awful day. Since I'd had to bury the love of my life. I'd fought through the last six months, but only for the sake of the baby Travis had left behind with me. The baby was all I was living for, but I was glad I had a reason to hang on. I didn't want to lose all of myself.

"Your Mom still visits me every day."

I'd kept Travis' house in Kansas City, moved there, hidden myself there. My family came to see me when they could, but Donna - since she lived close - had taken it upon herself to check in on me every single day. Ed, Jason, Kylie, and my nieces came over often as well, just making sure I had company. We were all grieving together, and always would be, but it was nice to have them. I'd fallen apart the most, and they were holding me together. 

"I miss you so much."

I knew my crumbled heart would never heal from the earth-shattering feeling of losing him. Every day was as hard as the last, but I found that over the months, a fraction at a time, getting up in the morning had been a tiny bit easier. Only a tiny bit, but that tiny bit meant maybe I could find myself again one day. 

"Baby's kicking." I whispered, rubbing my stomach as I felt a nudge from inside, and then another. Managing a small smile, I looked down at my bump, my tears dripping down onto my stretched-out shirt. "You want to say Happy Birthday to your dad?" I crooned, and the baby kicked again. "Yeah." I sighed. "I miss him too."

Travis had been so excited to be a dad. He'd doted on my bump as it had started to grow, talking to the baby as often as he possibly could.

"I finally decided what I'm going to name the baby." I said quietly, letting one of my hands drop to the grass and stroke gently. "I hate that we didn't have time to talk about it, but I think you'll like what I've come up with. If it's a girl...I think I'll call her Bella-Marjorie." Pausing, I let the name sink into the silence. "You like that? I always wanted to have Marjorie in there somewhere, and you mentioned Bella a few times. I think it's really sweet." I murmured. "And if it's a boy, I want to call him TJ. Travis Junior." The baby kicked again. "I'm going to tell baby all about you Travis, all the time. They're going to grow up knowing how amazing their daddy was. We'll come and see you all the time, I promise."

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