never grow up (the pt 2 saga)

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part 2 of 'one way to make an entrance'

Travis' POV

"Shh." I crooned to the bundle in my arms as my daughter wailed. Walking up and down the small jet, I rocked her gently, soothing her cries. "I know, we're almost there." I murmured to her. "But you don't want to wake up your Mommy; she's been working very hard."

God, I still couldn't believe I had a daughter. I'd never heard of a cryptic pregnancy going full term. How had neither of us noticed anything? Now that I thought about it, there had been tiny signs, ones no one would have noticed if they weren't looking.

But here I was, and here was Emma now quiet in my arms. My beautiful baby girl. She was a perfect copy of Taylor, all except for the pale green eyes that mirrored mine perfect. 

We still hadn't told anyone. We'd managed to make it out of the hospital and into Taylor's jet via back doors and heavy security, so no one knew of Emma's existence yet. Both of our families would soon be waiting at home for us, and we would tell them. Both Taylor and I had agreed that we wanted the most important people to know first. Our family.

Once we landed, I got out of my seat and nudged open the door to the little bedroom at the back of the jet. Taylor was still dead to the world, breathing heavily, curled up on her side. I really hated to wake her, but we didn't have a huge window to get home before the risk of cameras spotting us grew. Moving into the room, I sat down on the bed next to my girlfriend. Well, for now. Hopefully soon I could call her my fiancé, and then my wife. I was going to delay the proposal since I'd originally planned it for her birthday, but it would still be soon.

Taylor shifted, blinking her bright blue eyes open and peering up at me. She immediately smiled, pale pink lips stretching into an O as she yawned, dropping her gaze to the baby in my arms. Her smile widened and she leaned in to pepper kisses over Emma's face, whispering little words of endearment as she did so. My heart softened further, melted at the sight of Taylor doting on our daughter.

"God I still can't believe she's real." Taylor glanced up at me. "I can't believe she was inside me all that time and we had no idea."

"I know, it's insane." I smiled at her. "But she's perfect sweetie, she's absolutely perfect."

"She is." Taylor gazed back down at Emma. "Aren't you? Yeah!" She giggled, kissing our daughter's soft blonde hair. Emma started fussing and Taylor sat up, tugging her shirt up to feed her.

Once we had everything ready, we left the jet and ducked into a car. Taylor cradled Emma the whole time, bouncing her leg, nervous. Even though we knew both of our families would be elated at the news of our little baby, she still worried. I put my arm around her, rubbing her shoulder, trying to offer comfort. Taylor smiled nervously at me, biting her lip. 

When we arrived at my place, there were six cars parked outside. My parents, Taylor's parents, Jason and Kylie with the girls, and Austin with his girlfriend. Emma was silent in Taylor's arms as we walked up to the door, and I slipped an arm around her waist as I opened the door. Taylor nodded to herself as we stepped inside, rocking Emma gently. I could hear everyone down in the living room fall quiet at the sound of us coming in and squeezed Taylor's waist gently as we walked down. 

Taylor and I walked into the living room to find everyone sitting around on the couches, and they looked up when we came in. Everyone went deathly silent at the sight of the baby in Taylor's arms, eyes widening, mouths dropping open. We stopped, and Taylor looked up at me, still really nervous. I smiled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple before turning to our families.

"Everyone." I said. "This is Emma Rose Kelce-Swift. Taylor had a cryptic pregnancy, and she was born six weeks early but she's perfectly healthy." Smiling, I looked down at Emma who blinked back up at me innocently. "I know it's crazy, but that's what happened."

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