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Travis' POV

"So I can do one like this..." Ellie placed a photo down in front of me. "With just one diamond, or I can do one like this..." She placed another one down. "With about three diamonds to kind of smooth out the descent to the band." I nodded, glancing between them. 

"I think just one diamond." I murmured. "It's more classic, Taylor would like that better." Ellie nodded, and I glanced at my phone when it started ringing. "Oh, speaking of. Excuse me." I held up a finger.

"Take your time." Ellie nodded as I got up, answering the phone.

"Hi baby."

"Hey!" Taylor squeaked, and I frowned at her tone. "You've been gone a long time. Dinner taking ages?"

"Uh, yeah. I just dropped Patrick home and got chatting with Britt." I came up with the first lie I could think of. "We really got talking with the investors as well and lost track of time."

"Well it sounds like you'll be getting good business." Taylor murmured. 

"Yeah." I smiled. "Everything okay?"

"Yup, I was just calling to see if you could pick up some more cat food on your way back. We're running low."

"Sure baby." I nodded to myself. "You need anything else? More snacks?" Taylor was on her period and had only been able to stomach certain foods.

"No, I'm okay." She mumbled. "See you soon."

Taylor hung up. I turned to Ellie, finishing up the consult quickly. I didn't need Taylor guessing what I was doing before I could propose properly. 

I stopped by the store on my way home to pick up the cat food, and also grabbed a few of Taylor's favorite snacks as well. She'd want them whether she said she did or not. I got home half an hour later, humming to myself as I took everything inside.

"I'm home baby!" I called out, taking everything into the kitchen and dumping it on the counter. Refilling the cat's bowls, I put the bag away and put the snacks in the cupboard. "Taylor?" I asked when I didn't see or hear her. "Baby, you here?"

Frowning to myself, I walked through the living room and saw Taylor sitting out on the patio. Then I paused, realizing she wasn't alone. She was sitting with Patrick and Brittany.


"Hey." Taylor murmured when I went outside, her eyes locking on me. "Real funny story. I didn't know these guys could be in two places at once." Her eyes flickered over to Patrick and Brittany, who didn't look very happy with me. I hadn't told anyone about my plan to propose to Taylor, but hadn't expected to be caught in a lie.

I paused, looking between the three of them. When I looked at Taylor again, I saw her eyes filling with tears. She sniffed, looking down. I swallowed.

"We'll leave you guys alone." Brittany murmured, nudging Patrick. "You better have a good explanation for this. I might have known you longer, but I'll cut your dick off if you hurt Taylor." She told me as she dragged Patrick away.

Taylor and I waited in tense silence as the patio door closed behind us. I didn't want to tell her my plans about proposing, and that I'd been lying to her about where I was going so I could plan it, but I didn't know what else to say.

"Travis." Taylor mumbled, fiddling with her hands in her lap. I crouched down next to her chair, resting a hand on her knee. "Travis are you cheating on me?" She said, very obviously fighting tears.

"No baby, never." I quickly told her, squeezing her knee gently. Taylor looked at her, tears sparkling in her eyes. "Taylor, sweetie, I know it looks like I am. I'm so sorry that you think I could ever do that to you, but I promise you I'm not. I would never, ever cheat on you. I love you."

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang