viva las vegas

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Taylor's POV

"You coming Taylor honey?" Donna turned to me as everyone started making their way out of the suite, celebrating like crazy for the Chiefs win.

"Oh, I'm okay. I'll just hang back a bit, you guys go on ahead. This is your thing." I shook my head. Donna looped her arm through mine and laughed at me like I was being ridiculous.

"Honey, you've been a part of this kingdom for months. You're family now, and Travis wants you down there with us." She assured me. "You're coming down with us. You belong down there with us."

I smiled, her words warming my heart as she tugged me towards the door. Arm in arm, we walked down to the field, surrounded by security and celebrating fans. We had to shout to hear each other over everything that was happening, and my heart skipped a beat as we walked onto the grass. Confetti was everywhere, screaming fans waving down at us, and the field was crowded with people.

As we made our way towards the throng of players, I pointed Travis out to Donna since she couldn't see him. He was celebrating with Patrick and hadn't seen us yet. I smiled to myself at the overjoyed look on his face, at the way he jumped up and down like a little kid. He was so adorable. I was so damn in love with this man.

"Ma!" He'd spotted us and Donna walked forwards to embrace her son. I hung back, folding my arms in front of me as I smiled, watching. I'd always admired the relationship he shared with Donna, how much he loved her and took care of her. After a long moment, Donna pushed Travis in my direction, urging him over to me. His eyes met mine and softened as he reached out for me. "Come here baby girl." He murmured, pulling me into his arms.

"Hi." I lifted my arms around his neck as he hugged me close, burying his face in my neck. "That was so amazing Travis, that was incredible."

"God I'm so glad you're here." His voice brushed against my ear and I smiled. "Thank you so much for coming baby, it means the world to me that you made it here in time."

"I love you." I pulled back and took his face in my hands, stroking his beard gently. "You did so amazing out there."

"I love you too baby girl." Travis smiled, pressing a kiss to my waiting lips. Then he kissed me again, lingering there for a long moment with his arms holding me close against him. "Thank you so much for coming baby, thank you so much for the support." He hugged me again and I laughed, pressing my cheek against his neck. "How are you not exhausted right now?"

"Jet lag is a choice." I told him as we broke apart, and he slid an arm around my back so he didn't have to let me go. He was right; I was a little exhausted, but I didn't care. This was too incredible to be worrying about that right now.

Everything after that was kind of a blur. Travis had to let me go to go up on stage, but he blew me a kiss and waved at me before he had to go for an interview. I watched, smiling proudly as he celebrated with the trophy. He was so excited, and it showed. I loved watching the whole team celebrate their well-deserved win, watching on with Donna and Brittany by my side. I'd never felt so at home in my life. 

As the players were interviewed, I looked around me. I looked at all the smiling faces, the people covered in fallen confetti, and how happy everyone was. This was so incredible, and I couldn't believe I got to be a part of it. And the fact that I got to be a part of it while falling madly in love, it was just the best thing I'd ever experienced. I'd never lived life so freely before, with someone who was proud to hold my hand and kiss me in front of the world.

"Hey, earth to Taylor!" Brittany nudged me and I blinked, tuning back in. "What are you thinking about so hard?" She laughed. 

"Nothing." I blushed, and she grinned, seeing right through me. 

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