behind closed doors

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*Where Taylor and Travis are already friends through mutual connections or whatever*

"I have to cancel everything?" I frowned into my phone. "Are you kidding me? After all the time and money we put into it?"

"I'm so sorry Taylor, but there's nothing I can do." Tree sighed in my ear.

"Well what's happened that's so bad I have to cancel an almost two year tour?"

"Covid, Taylor, that's what's so bad." Tree said, and that shut me up real quickly.


"Yeah, I just can't put anyone through trying to tour if it breaks out into lockdown again. It's on the brink already and it's not worth the risk."

"I understand." I sighed. "Thanks for doing everything you could."

"I'm so sorry." Tree said, and hung up. I sighed, slumping down at the dining table and putting my head in my hands. No, I couldn't believe this. The thing we'd been planning for so long - The Eras Tour - was never going to happen.

I'd spent so long looking forwards to it, so long planning each of the five album releases I was going to announce over the next two years. Now I had to do it from a distance. I'd been so, so excited to see the fans again.

"What's wrong with you?" A voice came from behind me.

"The tour got cancelled." I sniffed, wiping my eyes only for my tears to be replaced again. "Apparently covid's come back and we had to shut it down."

"Oh well, maybe you'll get a chance next time." Joe patted my shoulder, and I turned to look at him in disbelief.

"That tour was my life." I told him. "I put everything into it."

"Babe, it's just a tour. You can sing anywhere."

"I know, but it's so different with the fans." I didn't get how he didn't see that. This tour was the most important thing in the world to me. I got to share myself with the people who wanted to hear what I had to say.

"Uh huh." Joe wasn't even paying attention. "I'm going out for drinks with some friends okay, don't wait up."

"But I kind of hoped you would stay in tonight?" I reached out for his hand as he passed, tilting my chin up to look at him. "Maybe we could stay in, watch a movie, you know..." The double meaning in my words was clear, but Joe shook his head.

"Nah, I promised I'd go. I'd invite you, but I don't want to be that guy who shows up with his girlfriend. You get it." He told me, patting my hand before letting it drop.

"Oh." I glanced down. "Yeah, okay. Have fun."

"Bye!" Joe called out as he left, and the door slammed shut behind him.

I sighed, listening as the sound of his car faded away. He never wanted to do anything with me anymore. My invitation for him to stay home had been an attempt to fix things between us. We hadn't had sex in over four months now, and I couldn't remember the last time he'd kissed me or let me kiss him. He even didn't seem to want to hold my hand, and only let me when we were in public and had to keep up appearances that our relationship was perfect. Yeah right; far from it.

Suddenly feeling lonelier than ever, I reached for my phone and scrolled through everyone in my contacts list to see if I could find someone who would be in the city. I hadn't seen any of my friends in such a long time since we'd all been so busy lately. Well, I'd actually been the busy one with organizing this tour. I felt bad for the number of times I'd had to say no to plans.

I kept scrolling through my contacts, but everyone I knew was out of state at the moment. Even Selena, who was normally in New York around this time of year, was states away at the moment. Then I got down the alphabet and paused on T.

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now