pricey date

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Travis' POV

"Come on man, at least try to act like you're having fun!" Patrick nudged me as the group of us walked into the strip club, the lights and music and mood immediately sweeping us up.

"I am." I told him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, it's Adam's bachelor party! You and I planned this whole thing, so enjoy it!" He told me.

The seven of us ordered drinks and went to find some seats, and the guys were immediately trapped by the sight of the half naked girls performing. Patrick bought Adam a lap dance immediately, and we all laughed at him as he tried to enjoy it while still trying to act like he remembered he was getting married soon. I shook my head at my friends, taking a sip of my beer as my mind wandered slightly.

It wasn't that I didn't want to be here; I appreciated a strip club as must as the next guy. But I'd rather be at home, reading the book I'd borrowed from the library yesterday so that I could finish it and have an excuse to go back and talk to Taylor. Taylor had started helping out her grandmother at the library a few months ago since she'd moved to live with her, and we'd run into each other when I was looking for a book Kylie had asked me about. She was bedridden in the last few weeks of her pregnancy, so I'd offered to get it for her. Taylor had seen me struggling to find it and had offered help, telling me I had great taste in books. Since then, I'd been going to the library as often as I could under the pretense that I was an avid reader.

I wasn't, well, I hadn't been. But I'd been getting into the books, and Taylor was always happy to talk about them when I was returning them. There was just something about her I couldn't ignore, something that kept me going back. Taylor was the same age as me, and she'd seemed shy when I first met her, but now she was a little more talkative. She wore long skirts and dresses and cardigans and wore her hair down in cascading waves. She blushed and looked down whenever I complimented her, and she was always burying herself in books. Nothing like any of the girls I'd dated before, but Taylor's shy, conservative nature had my attention. I really wanted to ask her out, but I got the feeling that she wanted to really know someone before dating them. She seemed like that kind of girl. So I'd decided to keep going back to the library until I took my shot.

"Hey." Patrick said, and I snapped out of my thoughts. "How about we get you a lap dance huh? Maybe then you'll look like you're not a whole other planet."

"Haha." I said dryly. "You know..." 

I trailed off as my eyes caught a flash of blonde over Patrick's shoulder. Lifting my gaze, I stared across the room at the blonde woman who had just come out from the back and was going over to talk to the bartender. She was dressed in the tightest black dress I had ever seen, strapless, shoving off a huge amount of her breasts, with a hem that only just covered her ass. Black strappy heels covered her feet, and her hair was half up, tied with a black ribbon. 

"Holy shit." I breathed as Taylor laughed at something the bartender said, giving her a smile before grabbing a tray full of drinks and walking away. I watched as she took them over to a group of guys, sending them winks and flirty smiles as she set their drinks down. I caught a glimpse of her face as she turned around to go back to the bar; lips painted a deep red, sparkles on her cheeks. 

I couldn't believe it. The Taylor I was looking at was the furthest thing from the quiet librarian I'd come to know. But she seemed like a natural as I watched her serve a few more drinks, chatting to the customers, joking with them. I couldn't take my eyes off her, in shock that it was actually her.

A flash of jealously rushed through me when Taylor delivered a drink, and the man who took it held up a roll of bills towards her. He winked at her and she giggled at him, holding up one finger. Leaning over, Taylor put the tray down on the ground, leaning it against the side of the man's chair before moving around. She stopped in front of him, leaning over and bracing her hands on the back of his chair. He smiled, tucking the money into the top of her dress. Taylor put a foot up on the chair, and the man ran a hand up her leg. I saw her tut at him when he reached her dress, making a comment that caused him to nod.

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now