my girl (pt 2)

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a.n i was not expecting all of you to like the first part of this as much as you did but by popular  demand, i present to you part 2, enjoy <3

Travis' POV

Taylor put all of her clothes back on before we arrived, much to my dismay, but I knew it was not in her best interests to walk outside with no shirt on. She'd just winked at me as she pulled her top back over her chest, telling me that this meant I had the privilege of undressing her again as soon as we got inside. I'd laughed, but was in a little bit of shock at what she'd said. Everything that came out of her mouth stunned me; she was everything and more that I'd thought she'd be. She had me so tightly wrapped around those mischievous little fingers, and she damn well knew it too. She played right into it.

"Nice place." She commented as I helped her out of the car, her blue eyes lifting to look at the house in front of us. A small smile spread over her lips, a genuine one instead of the playful smirk she'd been giving me all day. "Pretty big for someone who lives alone."

"Hey, I do not live alone. I have dogs." I told her. "And my family's always in and out. My brother is always happy to dump his kids here for a while so him and Kylie can take a break." 

"Dogs huh?"

"Yeah, two." I told her as I fumbled for the keys and unlocked the front door. "They're very friendly, so be prepared." I pushed open the front door to lead Taylor inside, and as I turned to close it behind us, I heard the barking and pattering paws on lino that always accompanied me coming home. 

"Oh!" Taylor laughed, and when I turned around, I saw her sitting on her knees with both of my dogs climbing all over her. I stopped and watched, smiling to myself as she attempted to give both of them the same attention, giggling as they licked her cheeks. "Hi babies!" She crooned, rubbing their heads and under their chins. "You are so cute! You know you're so cute huh, yes you do." Taylor laughed, and I folded my arms as I watched her. I couldn't figure her out. Was everything at the stadium just for show, or was that how she was in the heat of the moment? Right now, she was like a little girl playing with dogs. I wanted to learn everything about her, so badly. "What's their names?" Taylor looked up at me.

"Uh..." I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts. "That's Chauncey, and that's Rambo. Just kick them off if they're annoying you."

"No." Taylor smiled, turning back to my dogs. "You could never annoy me babies, you're too cute!" She continued doting on my dogs, letting them jump up with their paws on her shoulders. I smiled to myself, shaking my head as I watched. I could have stood there forever. "Oh, careful darling." Taylor warned, and I looked down to see Rambo scratching her bare shoulder.

"Hey." I snapped my fingers and the dogs jumped at the sound. "Go on, leave her alone now."

"Oh they're just playing." Taylor watched them go as I reached down and helped her to her feet. As soon as she was upright, I brushed a hand over her shoulder, tracing the light pink mark Rambo had left on her skin. "It's fine, he was just excited." She murmured. "My cats scratch me all the time by accident."

Without a word, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Taylor sighed, leaning into me as I pressed my lips over her skin. She tilted her chin up as I moved my lips to her neck, savoring the sweet taste of her skin. God, I'd never get enough of this, I knew that already. This woman was going to be the death of me.

A phone started ringing nearby and I sighed, pulling back. It wasn't my ringtone. 

"Did I tell you to stop?" Taylor murmured, reaching into her pocket. A second later, the ringing stopped. 

"That might have been important." I told her.

"Don't care." She shrugged. "Now kiss me."

I didn't dare disobey. I'd kind of figured her out. She liked to be the boss sometimes. It turned her on. Gave her a sense of power. And I'd do whatever she wanted me to.

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