192: Single spell master if line

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☆ 192. If line of single spell master (completed)

The setting of the parallel world of the single magic family master if line (completed)

is unfolding. It is the story of Shinji, the chanyuan family master from the parallel world in 2.0.

See Zuo Hua for the entire text.



The famous curse family, the three imperial families, the ancient Zen family...

This large ancient and gorgeous house has many names, but in the eyes of Zen Temple Shinji, it is just an interesting place. A house for people to live in.

Yes, interesting.

Although if Zenyuan Shuichi and the others knew that Zenyuan Shinji used this word to describe Zenyuan family without shame, they would definitely laugh out loud and then pour Shinji's lunch into the swill bucket.

But Zenyuan Shinji really felt the interest from this not-so-warm Zenyuan family.

The class relationship of the weak and the strong is interesting, the undercurrent of instigation and conspiracy between the direct lineage and the separated family is interesting, and the unpalatable public cafeteria of the preschool education department is equally interesting.

Well, if Zenyin Shinji were forced to classify the food into three, six or nine based on the level of fun, then the chefs in the Preschool Education Department’s ability to turn normal ingredients into cursed levels that even dogs wouldn’t eat would probably be the most curious thing to him.

"So - this is the reason why you came to me?"

In a remote corner of the Department of Preschool Education, a boy with short black hair, about seven years old, had a cold face. He was small, but he exuded the energy of a wolf cub precociously. A cold temperament that no one should get close to.

Next to him, there was a child who was even younger than him. He had black curly hair, green eyes, and soft cheeks. He looked particularly harmless and cute.

"Hey, brother Shen'er, don't you think it's interesting?" Blinking his big bright eyes, the boy with black curly hair clenched his fists, his expression serious, and he couldn't see the slightest hint of joking:

"If you can figure out how the chefs cook, With his skills, we may be able to develop something incredible!"

Chanyuan Jin'er was silent for a moment, looking at the children next to him with an indescribable strange look, and said in a rather emotional tone:

"No wonder those boys in Xiuyi say you are a bastard! Idiot."

When Zenyuan Shinji grabbed his sleeve and came to his door, he thought that this kid wanted to sneak into the canteen of the Department of Preschool Education to find some ingredients to cook for himself.

After all, Zenyuan Shinji's parents died on a mission shortly after he was born. Since most immediate family members within three generations died, and the collateral relatives in the next room were not willing to adopt the child before he had awakened to the art, Zenyuan Shinji, this The children were then taken to live in the Early Childhood Education Department of the clan, which uniformly raised minor orphans.

As for the children who were sent to be raised by the Department of Preschool Education, no one cared about them. If they were not deprived of benefits, they were already blessed by strict family rules. How could we expect the masters in the kitchen to still pay attention to their food?

Of course, children don’t understand the twists and turns. For example, even the Chanyuan Jier only knows that the canteen of the Department of Preschool Education is terrible. If it weren’t for the strong demands of the clan for children under the age of ten to be unified in the Department of Preschool Education, Basic education, he is not happy to come here at all!

What's more, he still has the legendary "Heaven and Curse Bound" physique.

People who are born with no spell power and cannot awaken spells are born with it. In the Zen Academy, where talent in spells is valued and the strength of the spells is ranked, the "heaven and curse bondage" of Chan Yuan is almost the same as that of a disabled person.

Thinking of this, the boy's expression became more and more gloomy. He was quite violent at a young age and looked quite untouchable.

However, Chanyuan Shier's eyes glanced at the child who was holding his sleeve. Not only was he not frightened by his cold face, but instead he kept muttering "Please, please, please, please, please" shamelessly. His momentum instantly slackened, and he bit his lower lip in displeasure, saying in a short voice,

"Just this time."

"Okay! I knew that Brother Shen'er was the best brother!"

Oh, isn't it?

The speechless feeling reappeared in Chanyuan Shi'er's mind again. The boy looked at the child who was walking excitedly in front, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

If the Heavenly and Cursed Chanyuan is ranked last in the discrimination chain among preschool education directors, then Zenyuan Shinji is the second to last in this ranking.

After all, a waste with zero magic power is also a shame to the ancient and noble magic family of the Chanyuan family.

2. (Code wording... I was caught staying up late and QWQ, 2, 3, and 4 will make up for QWQ tomorrow)

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