Chapter 54: His Saviour

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There is nothing more fearful than the fear of losing someone you love like a knot is tightening around your neck with every going second

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There is nothing more fearful than the fear of losing someone you love like a knot is tightening around your neck with every going second. I always knew I was signing for the worst for my revenge but Rose was never a part of it. She was like a soothing air I am addicted to breathe, she was like sunshine that grew the feelings called love inside my cold heart, she flows red in my veins. She is so deep inside me that living without her is like a living nightmare I am scared to live. One single scratch on her and I'll set the whole world on fire.

"You missed your mother's show Xavier but don't worry I will make it up for you," 

When those filthy words were uttered by my uncle my whole body shook with fear, I don't fucking care if I had to kneel and beg for her in front of our tormentor. I kneel a thousand times if it means to save her. I was scared and frustrated that I couldn't hold her wipe her tears and whisper to her that I'll make everything alright.

When Sam came the fear on Giovanni's face was evident that he knew he lost. He immediately unchained me and without any second thought, I ran to Rose and snuggled her in my embrace like she would disappear somewhere. I lifted her in my arms and dropped her inside the car. Her eyes were shedding tears in fear and silently saying which her mouth couldn't.

"I'll be fine, we all be fine," I said and went back inside just with the thoughts of giving him a hundred times more pain than he gave us. Amidst the firing, Sam and his men were taking care of Giovanni's goons. A smirk rose on my lips when I saw Giovanni trying to run away.

"andare da qualche parte, Bastardo" (going somewhere, bastard) I said, a laugh erupting from my mouth looking at his shivering form before he could take any step further I held his scalp and dragged him inside he was thrashing his arms in air

" Xavier lea..leave me I..I am your uncle, son" 

"Son?" I fucking dare you to call me son again and I'll make sure to shove your tongue back inside your throat" I hissed and kicked him on the floor. He was crying, begging me to leave him but his begging gave me nothing but satisfaction. I held the hot iron rod, he was scooting back. A scream left his mouth when the hot rod hit his flesh. A wave of pleasure ran through my veins looking at him.

A lone tear left my eye reminding my mother's scream.

"M...Mercy" he joined his hands and I chuckled. 

"Mercy? DID YOU SHOW MERCY WHEN MY MOTHER WAS PLEADING, YOU BASTARD? DID YOU SHOW MERCY WHEN I CRIED FOR MY ROSE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE?" All I could see was red, how could he dare to beg mercy when he had no right to have, heck he didn't have a right neither to live nor to die" I swung the rod with full force and hit him once, twice, thrice and again and again till I lost the count. He was breathing heavily barely hanging coughing blood. All I could think was I needed more, more of his blood, more of his scream, more of his agony.

"Tired already? There's more to come" I said

"N..NO please" he whispered

"Hmm. Now what should we do next, yeah let's teach you something. What did you think that having a dick makes you a man, absolutely not coglione (fucker). Man is the one who knows how to worship a woman, and how to respect a woman. Man is the one who knows the meaning of letting go if it meant happiness for the person he loves but you, you're not a man but a fucking coward who just knows to force women to prove his self-proclaimed manliness. Let's just end this manliness, shall we" I gritted and he visibly shivered knowing what's coming next."

"No I..I am sorry, not this" Without giving it any thought I hit his dick with the rod until his screams subsided into nothing but light breathing.

"It's over" Sam whispered and hugged me tears were flowing from my eyes remembering everything. A long buzzing sound reached my ears and Sam hissed in pain. He was bleeding, he was shot. Giovanni was holding a gun barely standing pointing on me.

"Even if I am going today, I'll make sure to take you with me, son" He laughed. I made Sam sit carefully in the corner and walked towards Giovanni.

"Let's just end this" I whispered ready to accept whatever was going to happen to me but I'll make sure to make him see the hell.

Before I could address anything a loud sound echoed and Giovanni was lying lifelessly, Rose shot him clearly standing shocked. I ran to her and she went limp in my arms. She saved me, again.

"Rose, baby open your eyes, love" carried her in my arms and ran to my car. Guards were carrying Sam and we ran to the hospital and the doctor took her inside.

"How is she, doctor?" I asked

"We can't say anything before 48 hours, show was given a heavy dose of drugs, if she doesn't gain consciousness within 48 hours it will be difficult to save her" he said and my mind got hazy, sh..she can't leave me like this. I have no one except her. I'll die without her, everything is meaningless without her. this can't happen".

"Mr Romano, breathe slowly you're having a panic attack" I was about to fall but the doctor held me, he was saying something but I couldn't listen like everything was moving so fastly around me the burning pain in my chest was increasing with every second. My heart was thumping loudly against my ribcage, my head was throbbing like it would split in half. I was not able to control my breathing and at last, I lost consciousness just thinking about one person,  

My life, my Rose

My Saviour

Hello readers it's been so long since I've updated the story, my apologies. I was so busy with my studies but I promise you this time I'll end the story since only one chapter is left. Till then read, enjoy and take care of yourself.


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