Chapter Thirty Two

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We were a few weeks into the tour, and I could tell that something was up with Kurt. 'Its probably just his stomach, he'll be okay.' I told myself in my head over and over. "Shelli said she knows some good wedding dress places around here, she really wants me to go look. She said she needs some much needed girl time." I told Kurt as we sat out on the balcony. "You should go, I'll be fine here for awhile. I kinda have a headache anyway, I'll probably go to sleep." He replied, rubbing my hand as if he were trying to comfort me for some reason. "Kurt, are you alright?" I asked, hesitantly. "Yeah, I've just felt kinda sick." He mumbled. My stomach was in knots. I knew Kurt more than I knew anyone. And something was off, other than him not feeling good. "Well, are you sure you want me to go? I can stay here with you. Do you want me to leave Frances for you or take her with me?" I asked as I looked at his pained eyes. "I'll be okay, Jade. You can take her with you, spend some time with her. Besides, if you find a dress, she'll be there for the moment." He slightly smiled, but still looked pained. "Okay, Kurt." I smiled slightly and kissed his face. "Hey, I love you. And you know you can talk to me about anything. Okay? I'm here." I told him as I grabbed his hand. "I love you so much, Jade." He whispered and kissed my hand. I didn't wanna be rude, so I invited Sue to come with us. She seemed very thrilled that I asked. I told Kurt goodbye and we were out the door.
We went into a fancy looking boutique and I went to the first rack of dresses that I came across. "How about this one Jade?" Sue said, pulling an extremely ruffled, vintage dress with sleeves off the rack. "Oh, um. That's nice, but I don't really think its my style." I smiled, biting my lip as I tried not to laugh at her choice. With Sue being older, I knew she would probably pick some things out that I would never imagine wearing. I found nothing on the first rack, so I went to the next one. Still, I found nothing. "Shelli, I think maybe this store is a little bit too fancy." I said as I put a sleepy Frances in her stroller. "On to the next one then, we are finding your dress today!" Shelli grinned and led the way out the door. The next store seemed a little more promising than the one before. I was skimming the racks of endless white dresses, when a simple, but beautiful, white laced dress caught my eye. "I think i'm gonna try this one on. " I smiled as I took it off the rack. Sue watched Frances while Shelli helped me in the dressing room. "You okay, Jade?" She asked as she zipped it up and adjusted it. "Yeah, i'm fine. Kurt's just worrying me. Something is wrong." My stomach churned when I spoke the words. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "Oh my god." Shelli said, smiling. "What?" I asked, curiously. Before I could get a response she pulled me out the door and drug me to the mirrors. "Look at yourself, Jade. That's what." Shelli said, excitedly. "Oh, wow." I whispered as i stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had seen the big "finding the perfect dress moment" in movies and tv shows. But, I had never imagined it happening to me. I got a little teary eyed. It was the perfect one. Everything suddenly hit me in that moment. Kurt and I were getting married, and this would be my dress. I grinned even bigger when I saw Frances smiling at me in the mirror. I turned around and picked her up. "Mommy and daddy are getting married Frances!" I smiled down at her and she clapped her hands. I looked at Shelli and Sue and they both had teary eyes, too. I didn't think twice about getting the dress, it was for sure the one. I changed back into my normal clothes and took the dress to the register. "Oh my god, are you Kurt Cobain's girlfriend?!" The woman at the counter exclaimed. "Uh, yeah. I am." I smiled slighty. "Wait, so this is your wedding dress that you'll wear to marry him?!" The woman almost yelled. I nodded, a little annoyed. "When's the wedding?" She asked, a little calmer. "Uh, we aren't sure yet." I replied. At this point, I just wanted to get back to Kurt. I had a really weird feeling and I wasn't sure why. As soon as the dress was payed for, we headed back to the hotel. "I'm so happy you found it. Remember, don't show Kurt!" Shelli exclaimed as she began walking down the hall to her and Krist's room. I grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "Its beautiful, Jade. I can't wait to see you in it on your big day." Sue said, smiling kindly. "Thanks, Sue. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night!" We parted ways to get back to our rooms and I couldn't get to Kurt fast enough. I turned the corner down the hall and dug for my room key. Kurt was probably asleep and I didn't wanna wake him. "Kurt, you up?" I quietly said as I opened the door. I walked over to the bed and he wasn't in it. I checked the balcony, he wasn't there. My heart began to beat faster. I felt a little relieved when I noticed that the bathroom door was shut and I went to open it. "Kurt?" I said as I poked my head in. Nothing. "Oh fuck." I whispered as I started to panic. I opened the shower curtain and sure enough, there layed a lifeless Kurt. A needle was laying next to him. "Kurt?!" I shook him. He didn't budge. "Kurt!!! Wake up, damnit!!" I shook him and cried as my voice broke. Still, he didn't move.

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