//Putting Off Crying//

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"It's Matty. Alice I know you're in there. Open up. Please." He sounded... defeated. I opened the door slowly with George holding my hand. He immediately gave George and I a hug.
"Sorry for not ringing you mate. We..."
"Thank you, Alice."
"For what?"
"Setting me free. I wasn't meant for marriage. Not right now at least. I thought my pressing it you would want to call it off and you didn't. I love you. You know I do but it was all too much for me. The pressure. The commitment. Everything."
He kissed my cheek and held me tightly.
"You and George were made for each other. Even I knew that."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to break your heart, Alice. I mean have you seen the two of you? You both love and want the same things in life."
He broke the embrace and hugged George.
"This is why you didn't want to postpone the tour, mate?"
"Yes, I'm okay. I mean rejection will always sting a bit but I am 100% fine."
We sat around watching TV like old times. George held me closely whispering things like, "I love you", "You look so beautiful", and "I adore you" into my ear. He was so affectionate and sweet. Matty smiled at us and told us how adorable we looked together. I fell asleep on the couch and Matty carried me into the room next to a sleeping George. He doesn't know that I know. He kissed my cheek.
"I made a vow, Alice. Sleep tight. I'll always love you." He whispered as he laid me down and slept on the couch. Letting me and George be together was probably the nicest thing hes ever done for me. I heard him on the phone laughing and flirting. It's good to hear him laugh. It's so hard to believe all that the three of us have been through together. It was an unbreakable bond.

//You// A Matty Healy and George Daniel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now