Chapter 2: Gotta love hospitals.

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I woke in a hospital bed, the sterile smell alerting me to that even before I opened my eyes. Everything hurt. I was exhausted.

A plump nurse in a starched white apron bustled in.

"Oh good, you finally woke up," she said, and smiled. Then she put a tray of food on my lap.

I realized I was starving, and my stomach started to rumble.

The nurse laughed.

"Enjoy!" she said, and she left again.

The hospital food looked gross, gray, and mushy, but I was hungry. I felt like I could eat a cow. Raw.

The food was gone in minutes, and I started getting antsy. I stood up, realizing I desperately needed the bathroom-

Or tried to stand up. I hadn't even noticed the restraints until then.

I tugged at them, to no avail.

"Crap," I said, under my breath. I was scanning the room, looking for something sharp to cut the straps with, when I noticed the camera.

A little lens and a flashing red light was all that alerted me, and I was lucky to have noticed it at all.

The nurse came back in, practically running, and shot something into my arm.


I resisted as long as I could, but my eyes just grew heavier and heavier. I fought the drug, thrashing, but it was pointless.

I was trapped in a hospital, and couldn't do anything about it. I was too exhausted to go crazy again and summon fire, and had nothing to cut the restraints with. I was like a caged animal, desperately straining to get free. The familiar black wave washed over me, and I shut my eyes to the world.

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