Chapter 35

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After a couple days of traveling, a blizzard hit. Just our luck.

We had been working our way north, trying to find anyone connected with this war, and yet making it look like we were running so hopefully someone would try to track us.

We wanted someone to capture us, just so we could know what was going on, but we didn't want anyone to surprise us, because some of these people wanted Ava dead.

The blizzard was a bad one, which ended up dumping around nine inches of snow on northern Maine, right where we were at that point. However, right then, we were in the middle of it.

I woke up with an inch or so of snow covering me. We had slept in our animal forms, luckily, because they're more resistant to frostbite, and stay warm easier.

I stood, and shook the powdery snow from my fur. I wrinkled my nose, staring at the winter wonderland surrounding me, because as pretty as it was, it wasn't worth the cold and the slow travel that it would provide.

The snow wasn't coming down too hard right then, the feather light snowflakes sifting through the pine boughs.

I looked around, searching for Ava, but didn't see her.

"Ava?" I asked, hoping for an answer. I didn't know what I'd do with myself if she dissapeared on me again, "Ava!"

"Yeah?" She answered. I smiled.

"You might as well actually be my little sister, for all the trouble you cause. Now, lets go." I said, slightly grumpy.

"Well, I practically am! If only we were actually related... actually, scratch that. I don't want to be related to you!" She said, smiling. I growled lowly at her. "Plus, then I wouldn't be a super awesome werewolf, I'd be a super weird fire bringing cat morphing child!"

"Ah, be quiet Ava. You know what, the snow's getting heavier. Let's find shelter of some sort," I said. I hate the cold. Even as a cat, with fur, I hate the cold.

"All right then. Lets go," she said, with a smile. I leaped in the air, grinning like the cheshire cat, and when I landed in the four inch deep snow I was a panther. Ava grinned, her teeth sharpening and lengthening into glistening half moons. Her hair grew, all over her body, and her limbs evened out until she was standing on all fours, a wolf.

I leaped out of the fluffy snow, hating the cold feel of it on the pads of my paws. Ava leapt too, mimicking me. I snarled lightly, and bolted in the direction we'd been going.

After probably five minutes we saw lights through the dimness of the forest. Ava yelped with joy, and I let out a small yowl. Then, I stood, feeling my fur recede until I was a hairless human once more. Ava joined me, a smile on her face. Snow dusted her dark brown hair, and I could feel it melting into mine as well. I hate snow in my hair.

We strode towards the lights, leaving boot prints in the impressionable snow. I looked back, seeing the transition of our paw prints to our booted human ones. My careful self sent out an alert, that we could be found, but that's what we wanted anyway. Plus, the snow would cover them up before anyone would see, because anyone in their right mind wouldn't be outside in the woods on a day like today.

Before I knew it, we were pushing through the edge of the woods, into a clearing. I let out an invoulantary gasp.

We were standing on the edge of a werewolf camp. And not only that, but all thirty werewolves there were lined up in formation, staring at us.

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