Good, Evil, and the gray area: chapter 19

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I lay in bed, thinking.

I had been in Africa only a week, and it already seemed like home. Zahir was becoming one of the closest friends I had ever had. I was happy in the jungle, but was searching for Ava every day. I didn't know what to do, really. Ava might be here, in Africa somewhere, but I didn't know where. She also might be way back in Canada. I really didn't know.

I had been hoping for another dream like the one I had had when I saw her, but hadn't had one yet. I dreamed about a battle, and somehow I knew it was the one that was on the horizon between the werewolves and the magicians.

Zahir called out to me. "Lee, get out of bed and come outside. It's a beautiful day, and I think you should take a break from your search and come swimming with me and some of my friends."

I sighed. I had searched for Ava every day since I had gotten here, and Zahir had helped me faithfully. I wasn't being a very good friend, ignoring him to search for another one of my friends.

"Okay! Sounds good. I'll be right out." I called back to him.

I climbed out of my bed and stood up. I had just enough room to stand in my tent. It was made of animal skins, of what origin I didn't know. My bed was made of old, dried, and worked leather that was softer then even the most expensive sheets. Under the leather was leaves that made a comfortable bed.

I yawned, and grabbed some of the clothes that had been given to me. The tribe was extremely kind, once they had gotten over their fear. I hadn't shown them my powers yet, and didn't plan to. That would just scare them way to much.

The clothes were leather. I had some shorts that the clothes maker in the tribe had made from the pattern of the shorts I had on when I arrived. Now many of the girls wore the same thing. I also had a loose tank top that came to my belly button. The clothes were cool, dried fast, and were extremely comfortable. I was grateful that the tribe had made them for me.

The tribe, as Zahir had said, was called Sengele. They lived in the forest beside the congo. They lived from the congo, and the forest. Without the river, they wouldn't be able to survive. The Sengele were a fairly peacful tribe, but some of the neighboring tribes weren't so peacful. They would attack occasionally, according to the elders. Zahir had never been involved in an attack.

I shook myself out of my daydreams when Zahir yelled at me to hurry up. I ran my fingers through my hair, and adjusted my leather clothes. One of the women had given me a pair of sandals, which I put on now. They had leather straps, and a cork sole. They were fitted perfectly to my feet, and I loved them. I could run comfortably in them, and they were cooler then my ratty old sneakers. Plus they were lighter.

I pushed out of the tent flap, and as soon as Zahir saw me he began running.

Zahir had found out how fast I am, and now took the opportunity to race against me, or just run with me, all the time. No one else in the tribe was as fast or could run as long as Zahir, so he was glad of the company.

I raced after him, my feet barely making a sound on the forest floor. The light was stained green, as it always was, from the canopy high above. I smiled, and ran faster. I was faster then Zahir, and he knew it, but I really had to try to beat him, especially if he had a head start. However, I was feeling up to a good run today, and soon passed him, sticking my tounge out.

"Not fair!" he yelled.

"How? You had a head start!" I yelled back breathlessly, laughing. I came to a stop, and Zahir ran into me, plowing me over. We lay in a laughing heap for a minute.

I stood, and brushed myself off. I could almost get used to the tribe. Maybe I could stay here, with Zahir. I could forget all about the werewolves, the wizards, and their quests for world domination. But I couldn't forget about Ava, ever. I would have to leave soon, and get back to Canada.

I would too, as soon as the elders went to the other tribes in the area to make sure none of them had seen a tiny white girl with big green eyes. I didn't mention the werewolf part, but I might have to. I didn't want to scare the tribe, but I was leaving soon anyway.

Then, I banished those thoughts from my mind. I had come to have a good time with Zahir, and that's exactly what I would do.

"Alright, you coming?" I asked him, feigning impatience. He smiled.

"Of course! You act like you aren't the slow one!" He said, standing up and flashing a white grin. I returned the smile happily.

Zahir started walking, and I walked beside him. He had long legs, and his loping gate reminded me of an animal. He could out-walk me any day, but, I thought smugly, you don' t race walking.

We continued walking and chatting happily until we reached the pond.

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