Chapter 37

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I groaned, flopping back onto the airbed. Ava was already sprawled on hers, which was beside mine, probably a foot away. The beds were twin sized, and we had about five feet of room past the foot of the beds. The ceiling was low. Posts held up the roof, which was tarp, and the walls were more tarp. All of it together was quite loud when there was even the slightest breeze, as I had noticed in our first five minutes here.

"Well, at least we get an actual bed," I said, chuckling halfheartedly.

"If you can call an air mattress an actual bed," she replied, groaning as she flipped onto her belly, burying her face in the flat pillow that we had found at the head of our mattresses. The mattresses were set directly on the floor, which was yet another tarp covering the ground. We were surrounded by blue and dark green tarp. It even smelled like plastic, which was actually a welcome change from the sweaty, leathery scent of the tents, and the just plain sweaty scent of us.

"Well, it's better then a tree. Just roll with it," I said, sighing. Ava sighed in return. I sighed again. We kept on like that, getting louder and louder.

We heard a voice from outside the tent. "Got a problem in there?" It asked crankily.

"Nope," I said quickly, stopping in mid-sigh.

"Yes," Ava mumbled into her pillow.

I shushed her, and we heard the owner of the voice's footsteps moving away. However, our little tent was being watched, all the time, and we knew it.

As the silver-haired woman had told us, Nancy had showed us to our room. Nancy was a meek little werewolf who was deathly afraid of the silver-haired woman. She wouldn't even tell us the woman's name when we asked.

Nancy's wolf was a traditional gray, like many of the wolves there. She was small, and dainty, with tiny feet. Her human had shoulder length mousey brown hair that surrounded a small face with a little, turned up nose and a small bow of a mouth. She would've been pretty if she didn't look so scared all of the time.

"Well, do you want to go outside and see if we can get a tour of the camp or something?" I asked, bored out of my mind. We'd been in the little tent for probably a half hour, though it felt like four.

Ava groaned, flipping back onto her back. "Sure, I guess. They probably won't let us go anywhere without someone breathing down our necks. If that woman really thinks we aren't all that great, then why is she gaurding us so heavily?"

"Because... we're awesome? Duh," I replied, smiling halfheartedly.

Ava sighed, and stood. I stood up to, but I had to stoop to avoid hitting my head on the ceiling. Not that hitting tarp would hurt, but I might rip the posts out of the ground, destroying our shelter. And my guess would be that they wouldn't give us another one. Plus, I didn't want to get snow on our little heater. These people were really treating us well, even though we were pretty much imprisioned.

"Mmm," I said, warming my hands over the heater. It was one of the dangerous, gas ones that throw a ton of heat.

Ava joined me. It was pretty warm in the small space, but it was always nice to warm up your hands. Plus, It was so cold outside that where our heads were, on the opposite side of the tent, it was kind of chilly.

"We could escape," Ava said, whispering.

"Well, their cause seems like a good one. I don't know if I want to escape. We could fight with them," I said.

"Lee, they killed my parents,"

"You didn't even know your parents. And that woman apologised, and explained,"

"You don't think werewolves are capable of lying? Well, they are. I was lied to, you're being lied to. No one's cause in this war is that clean,"

"I'm sorry, but I really think that this side is better then the other,"

"Do you really agree with them ruling the world? Ruling humans who don't even know it?"

"Well... they're doing a pretty good job,"

"You know what, you can go make friends with the people who're keeping us captive. I'll stay here."

Good, Evil, and the Gray Area (FIRST DRAFT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora