Chapter 26

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so yeah, i look like an idiot now. the stupid picture thingy didnt work. grrrrrrrr!!! sorry u guys cant see it but oh well. Im using a new cover, please tell me what u think of it! i really like it.....

alright heres all the awesome people that made me covers- PossessedTeddy thats the one im using,  amylivingmylife who i think i mentioned before, and Breathelife. PossessedTeddy is in my opinion the awesomest cover maker person EVER! but id like to thank everyone that made me one:) id post all of them but the friggin thing isnt working erghhghhhghghgh

alright, on to the story. as always, comment, vote, fan:) but mostly comment!


I let out an exited squeak. I had found a spider.

"I found a spider! It looks, well, brown and reclusey......" I trailed off, not sure if it was really what we were looking for, and was at a loss for how to describe it.

"Really?" exclaimed Zahir, popping up from among the tall grass where he had been searching. He had grass all over his head, and he looked like a scarecrow, so I giggled. Meanwhile, the spider started crawling up my arm.

"Argh! It's gonna bite me! I'm gonna die! Help!" I screeched, shaking my arm.

"Stop! Don't lose it! That might be the only one we ever get!" Zahir said worridly. Abungu rapidly said something, I had no idea what considering I couldn't speak his language. Still. I know, I'm pathetic. I've been living with them for a week, and still haven't picked up any African. Actually, it might not be African, I really don't know. Yeah, I may be supergirl, but I have crappy memory skills, at least with languages.

"He says that he will have to restrain you if you don't stop freaking out, and that he will get the spider." Said Zahir with a small smile.

"Ehhhhh. Ok." I squeaked, trying not to jostle the fatally poisinous spider.

Abungu walked over to me- painfully slowly I might add, considering I had a poisonous spider on my arm, and flicked the spider into a empty glass vial that he had brought.

"We need to check the time again." I said worridly. It seemed like it had been quite a while since we last had, and then we had only two hours left.

"Okay, lets go back to that car. Hopefully it's still running, and if not we can go inside their house." Translated Zahir for Abungu. Abungu began to closely examine the spider, then spoke again. Zahir translated. "It's a Brown Recluse. Now all we need is the antivenom."

I smiled, and wiped a trickle of sweat off the side of my face.

We hiked back to the house, trying to be quick. It seemed like we were walking forever, when in reality we were probably only walking for ten minutes, maximum.

"I'll go in," I said, seeing that the car was no longer in the driveway. Then, we heard the tolling of church bells.

They were soft, but audible. I counted them, and figured out what time it was in Africa. We had exactly thirty minutes to save Ava.

Do they push it? try to find the antivenom? or do they rush back to africa to save her w/out it? cliffhanger!mwahahahaha

anyways sorry i took so long w this chapter. Plus, its not even a particularly long chapter. idk i just sorta had a writers block goin on even tho i knew what was gonna happen..... anyway sorry if this chap is bad like i said writers block sucks. COMMENT VOTE FAN

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