Chapter 9: Her Story

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Ava and I traveled together for quite a while. We were always looking over our shoulders, always scared. It wasn't a very pleasant way to live. In the time when we weren't on the run, I practiced my abilities, my endurance, my strength. I needed to get better. If I didn't, I was doomed. If I wanted my freedom, I needed to be better then I was.

I fought Ava for practice. She was glad for a partner to practice with just like me.I taught her a little, mostly survival, but she taught me more.

Ava told me her story one night, when we were human. Ava was kind of uncomfortable as a human, so this was rare.

This is Ava's story, as she told me.

"I was born a werewolf. It is a common myth that werewolves bite you, and then you become one, but that is absolutely not true.

"I lived in a world of werewolves. My earliest memory is me learning how to control when I became a wolf. It used to be just when I got angry, but I learned to control it. I was probably around three.

"As I said, I lived in a society of werewolves. I didn't even know that regular humans existed.

"I was taught by the best to fight. My parents were rich, or important, or something. I never really understood what importance they had, but they did have it. The last name Rachir, which is my last name, is (or was) like royalty. I was treated like a princess. However, werewolves are extremely violent creatures, so I was taught to fight. My teacher was a man named Storer. I don't know what his last name was, or if Storer was his last name. His purpose was only to teach me, and when I got to powerful, to strong, they punished him.

"I'm very grateful to him. I didn't really know him, but he taught me all I know so in a way he is responsible for my survival. Maybe he's why this whole thing happened. Maybe it would have happened anyway, I don't know. I don't really know anything anymore.

"I helped him escape the night that I did. He thanked me, and ran with his family. He had a wife and a child my age. That's one of the reasons I took pity on him.

"As I said, I simply got to strong. My parents did something, and were killed. I didn't know them, not really, so I felt no sadness at their deaths. Then, whoever killed them came after me. And I ran. I don't know where they are now, or if the other werewolves are alive, or if Storer is alive, if the society even still exists.

"I ran, and ran. Then, someone tried to capture me. I knew they were tracking me for a while, but I was cocky.

"They caught me. I bided my time, and escaped. I won't describe that to you. It was gruesome."At this point she paused, her eyes haunted.

"I was their only prisoner, yet there were countless guards. Lets just say, I wounded them all, maybe killed some, I don't really know.

"I ran. I didn't stop running until I dropped. From hunger or exhaustion, I don't know which. After that, I started pacing myself.

"Then, I found you. I tracked you for a while. You caught me a couple times toward the end. I saw you morph, and realised that there might be more of us. More then I know now."

Then, she stopped.

"I'd tell you my story, but it's late," I said, "lets sleep."


Hey guys! Make sure to comment, lol anyway thanks for reading- i wrote this extra long chapter just for u guys! I also uploaded in a hurry so please tell me if there's any mistakes, big or small.


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