Chapter 6: Birds

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After a while I got really tired of walking. I was still pretty shaken from the eye that morning, but finally I just decided to morph into an animal.

I chose to try for a bird. That way I could check for enemy's from the air. The morph might drain some of my energy, but it would probably be worth it.

The only bird I had successfully morphed into was a crow. I had always felt a connection to crows, so I figured they might be easier. Easier they may be, but morphing into a bird was hard.

It took me about ten minutes to fully morph. I had to concentrate hard. It wasn't as natural as morphing into a cat, and was almost a little painful.

However, I got it eventually, and took flight.

I made my way through the green treetops, dodging branches, into bright sunlight. I was lucky I had naturally good reflexes. Without them, I would've hit a branch and my little expedition would have ended quickly. However, flying, I had to admit, was extremely fun. It reminded me of running at full speed as a cheetah, except it didn't burn as many calories.

I scanned the ground. I didn't see any obvious signs of other humans, but I didn't exactly have perfect eyesight as a crow.

I determined that no enemies were present, so I turned in the air and flew.

I was going no where in particular, just away from my enemies. For all I knew, they had circled around and were waiting for me.

I flew steadily through the air. The sky was a perfect blue, and the sun had just risen. At the top of the sky the blue was dark, fading to a pale blue at the horizon. It was beautiful. I felt like I could touch the moon, which was a pale ghost in the sky.

When I finally landed, I was exhausted. Mentally, from keeping the crow form, and physically. My wings felt like lead.

Sighing, I released the mental pressure keeping me a crow, and felt myself returning to my human form.

My eyelids felt heavy. I dropped were I was standing, and within seconds I was asleep again.

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