Chapter 24

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The good news: We have a possible cure.

The bad news: We have to find it first.

When the men came back to our tent they told us the legend.

Apparently it had been discovered that some men could do magic. They were wizards. They could concoct an "uncurable" poison. One tribe had some of this poison, so this tribe had to find a cure. They found that the poison of a the brown recluse spider. Their venom is fatal, so we need the antivenom for that as well. The problem is that, being in Africa, we don't have the spider or the antivenom.

Ava wasn't to exited about being bitten by a poisinous spider. She is an arachniphobe. I didn't even know that. Her response to my complaints about not being informed of that were met by a-

"You didn't ask."

It was decided that the expedition to get the spider would be led by the medicine man from the Bali tribe. He was most familiar with the spider. I insisted on going, so Zahir insisted on going as well.

The argument was if Ava was to come or not. The medicine men determined that she had exactly a day to live. Twenty-four hours. That's not a long time. Unless we could find and use the portal, find the spider, and come back within that time Ava would die. If she came with us, she would get the poison faster, but she would be moved. A lot. None of the medicine men knew what to do.

I was in the meeting with the medicine men about the expedition when Zahir came in. He ushered me outside, and said he had to tell me something. I told him I was listening.

"This is going to sound really weird." He said.

"Do you really think that at this point I can really be surprised by anything? I can morph into animals and create fire." I replied irritably. I wanted him to hurry, we needed to leave.

"I can teleport." He said nervously, staring at the ground.

"You're serious." I said.

"Yes. I wouldn't ever lie to you. You would probably burn me to a crisp." He said, finally letting out a small smile.

"Oh my gosh. Thank god. You have to tell them- we can save Ava!" I said quickly, turning around to go tell the medicine men.

"No! Don't! They will never accept me again. They can't know. Only you, and Ava." Said Zahir quickly.

His eyes pleaded with mine. When he realized that I was probably going to tell, his hazel eyes filled with tears. "Please," he said, "please! We can sneak away, go alone, find the spider, come back, save Ava..." He trailed off, realizing how ridiculous he sounded.

"You can come with us after if they don't, Zahir." I said softly.

"Really?" He looked at me, surprised.

"Of course. Even if you hadn't told me about your.... power I would've asked you to come with us!" I said, grinning. He returned the smile, and I turned around to tell the medicine men.


They hadn't been surprised, shocked, or anything. It turned out that all medicine men had some sort of power. Zahir must be a medicine man. He was glad, but I wasn't. Now he would have to make a choice, stay and be a medicine man, or come with me and Ava.

We left soon after to find the spider, and the antivenom.

DISCLAIMER- i have no idea where the antivenom can really be found. In the next couple chapters, i may mention a certain hospital, or a certain town. in reality i have no idea if the antivenom or spider can be found in said place

hey guys! please comment, etc. etc. Thanks!


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