Chapter 5: The eye.

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I awoke suddenly, almost falling off the branch. A single eye looked down at me from the foliage above. I started to scream, but it came out as a strangled growl. Finally I realized that I was in an animal form. I stood on the branch, and crouched, growling at the eye. It slowly blinked, then retreated back into the leaves.

Disturbed by the eye, with my hair standing on end, I cautiously descended from the tree. Then, I morphed back to my human form. When the transformation was done, I made sure I was clothed. I was. Sometimes clothes are lost in the transformation, so I always check.

I then checked my wounds. I had quite a few from the jump through the window, and some of unknown origins, probably from the time when I was passed out. The bad ones from before had been bandaged, apparently the hospital wanted me alive. That was good, I suppose. I gently pulled off a thick bandage from my arm. It was dirty, and I didn't want anything getting infected. My eyes widened when I saw the cut. It was about seven inches long, reaching from the middle of my forearm to the middle of my bicep. It was deep, I could tell just by looking at it. Stitches pulled the edges together. I counted thirty in all. I was surprised I hadn't noticed any pain, and still the wound seemed numb.

I washed it gently in the little creek that trickled by. I had traced it from a spring, so I knew it was fairly clean. I washed off the caked-on blood. There was only a little dirt, the bandage had absorbed most of it. I didn't have another bandage, so it would have to go without for now.

Yeah, one of the few things I couldn't do was heal. A power someone might actually want to have, and I don't have it. Grrrr!

The big cut seemed to be the only really serious wound. The only other one that could turn out to be serious was a bruised slice across my calf. I may not be able to heal, but fire is really good for cleaning, and I can create that. I lit my finger on fire and ran it up and down the cut on my calf. My flesh may not be affected by it, but all of the tiny creatures are. With that wound clean, I figured I was pretty good. I repeated the fire cleaning with every cut though, just in case.

Then, I set off deeper into the woods.

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