Chapter 10: My Story

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I told Ava my story one night, as I had promised. It isn't much of as story, but here it is, basically as I told Ava.

My first memory is at an orphanage. It wasn't to bad there, but I hated it. I wanted my freedom, so I escaped. At the orphanage I was probably seven or maybe eight, and before that I can't remember anything. I don't think I was even scared or surprised that I had no memory. 

I started discovering my powers after that. I had always had power over fire, but I couldn't control the power at all. I started to exercise it, and that's the only reason that I can do what I can now.

I discovered my ability to morph not too long ago.

From the time I escaped the orphanage until the time I was about ten I lived on my own. I found food when I could, scrounged around, even resorted to stealing a couple of times. Only when I was desperate, though. Some people took pity on me, but I couldn't bring myself to really trust anyone. I was wild.

When I found out I could morph I spent most of my time as an animal.

Then, some people caught me. I lived with this man. He was cruel, and I hated him. He knew about my powers, and took advantage of them.

He died a couple months ago. Some other people came to interrogate me. They were very mean, and I lost my control. I burned the house down, with them in it, I think. I don't really know, maybe they got out. I passed out as soon as I caught fire.

I woke up in a hospital. The hospital employees wouldn't let me go, so I escaped through a window.

I've been running away since then, and then I met Ava. That is the complete and total truth.


in case you haven't noticed, i changed the title. this used to be the curse, but i sort of changed the plot, so the title had to change as well. Sorry this chapter is so short, but that's how I wrote it, so...... anyway, please comment, :)

thanks 4 reading!!!!


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