Chapter 4: Insomniac.

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I lay in my chosen spot, under a tree on some moss, trying to fall asleep.

Tonight I wanted, and needed, to sleep. I had traveled a fairly long distance since leaving the hospital, and figured that for now I was safe. The hospital had probably given up searching for the night anyway.

If not, well, that would be bad, but I didn't care. I was tired, and needed my strength. If I'm being chased, I need to be able to create fire.

However, as much as I needed this rest, I couldn't fall asleep. I lay there, eyes wide open, staring, even though it was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.

Outside the forest the night was probably moonlit, but in the forest it was dim even in the daytime.

I shifted, trying to get comfortable, but I just couldn''t. Whichever way I turned a rock or stick was poking me.

I sighed, defeated, and stood up. Then, I shifted.

I can shift into any type of cat easily. Other animals took serious work. Birds were coming, but anything that didn't breathe air I couldn't yet do. Something about the lung to gill transformation. Anyway, big cats are the best, and that's what I shifted into.

As my eyes changed, I could start to see the forest around me.

I flexed each muscle, making sure I was fully changed into one of my favorite animals to morph into- a black leopard. It's my second favorite cat, other then the cheetah. Well, maybe third, because I also love snow leopards, but the leopard is very practical in a forest.

Plus, I was black. I blended in.

I was fully changed, and everything seemed good, so I soundlessly bounded into a tree.

Every movement a cat makes seems (and feels) so effortless. That's one of the reasons I like being them so much.

I lay down on a branch and stared at the moon. I immediately felt drowsy.

For some reason, it's easier for me to sleep as an animal. However, I hadn't gotten the hang of creating fire as one yet, so that's why I hadn't shifted immediately. I get nervous when I can't use all my magic.

So, staring at the big, white, full moon through a gap in the trees, I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Good, Evil, and the Gray Area (FIRST DRAFT)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें