Chapter 7: Surprise!

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I woke with a start. The eye was staring at me again. It was big, and green. I couldn't tell what (or who) it belonged to. The rest of it was hiding behind a tree, and it was dim enough so I couldn't make out the face. The eye was luminescent, almost glowing, so that's why I could see it. It looked like an animals eye. You know, how you can see the tiniest bit of light reflect off the eye of a cat in the dark, and the eye almost looks like it's glowing? That's how this looked.

I snapped my fingers and a ball of fire appeared in my hand. I moved so the bearer of the eye was in the light.

It was a person. A child. She was quite scruffy. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed in quite a while, but it looked dark, maybe brown, under all the dirt. Her clothes looked like rags. She had a slight build, and pale skin. Freckles sprayed across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, but maybe that was just dirt.

I must look pretty similar, I thought.

My hair is blond, but I'm probably so dirty that it looks brown right now. I'm quite tall, with a muscular build and wide shoulders. I get freckles across my nose in the summer, and have them on my arms and hands all the time. My skin is fairly pale, and I don't tan, I burn.

I managed to speak. My voice had gone unused for days, so it was scratchy and groggy.

"Hello?" it was more of a question then a statement.

"Hi," the girl mumbled, looking at my feet.

"Oh, sorry," I said quickly, extinguishing the fire in my hand. I had been holding it in a threatening position, but this girl was no threat to me. Then, after thinking that thought, I scolded myself. I didn't need to scare her, but getting cocky was not an option.

"Thanks," she said softly.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying not to sound gruff. The girl was probably only seven or eight. If she was older she didn't look it. I didn't need to scare her again.

"Ava," she said quietly.

"That's a pretty name," she was so small, so frail looking. Had she followed me all the way from the hospital? How had she even followed me from this morning?

"Thanks. You can trust me. I don't work with- or for- Them," she said quickly. She said Them as if the t was capitalized, and shuddered slightly when she said it.

"Is 'Them' the hospital?" I asked.

"Probably. I've been following you for a couple of days now. You can morph," she said.

It was a statement, not a question. This girl knew.

"Yes," I told her, "just cats though. Other animals are really hard. Is there anything special about you?"

"I'm going to trust you, but in turn you have to trust me. We can't spill each others secrets," she said, her eyes looking straight into mine. It almost felt like she could see straight into my mind, into any bad intentions I had.

She had my secrets already. I couldn't say no.

"Okay," I said.

"I'm a werewolf."

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