Chapter 8: I make a friend... wait, what?

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I gasped. This little tiny girl, a werewolf? How was that even possible?

When I looked surprised, she added,

"I'll show you,"

I nodded, speechless. I had never been speechless before. It's an odd feeling, not like you can't talk, but like your mind just is so overwhelmed that it can't think of anything to say.

She closed her eyes, concentrating for a minute. Then, her body relaxed. She jumped into the air, and when she landed she was a wolf.

The transformation was almost instant. It didn't look like the gruesome morph that you see in movies.

I expected a tiny wolf that matched her body, but this wolf looked normal sized. It's shoulder came to about my hip. It smiled.

I was having trouble thinking of the wolf as Ava. I'd never seen anyone else morph before.

Ava's wolf was dark brown, so I assumed I had been right about her hair being brown as well. The wolf was scraggly, and thin, but not sickly. It was more of a wiry thin then a weak thin.

The wolf had Ava's eyes. Big, luminous, green eyes. They stared at me questioningly.

"What?" I asked. I could finally talk again!

The wolf yipped. I guessed that Ava couldn't talk as a wolf, just like I couldn't talk as a cat.

She looked like she was about to morph back, so I shook my head at her.

"Don't change back. Hang on," I said. Then, I morphed.

I chose a leopard, not a smaller cat, because Ava could lose her control over her wolf, and, well, it sounds terrible, but... eat me.

Normally, I wouldn't be concerned about something like that because I'm really very fast, but this wolf looked fast too.

Anyway, just to be safe, I chose a black leopard again.

I growled something in leopard (once I had morphed, obviously) just to see if Ava could understand.

She smiled, and yipped back.

I could understand what she meant not only by her noises, but also her body language. I assume she understood me the same way.

"Why aren't you tiny as a wolf?" I asked with a meow-type noise, and a twitch of my tail. That my not be an exact translation, but I got my point across.

"Because normal werewolves have huge wolves, and since I'm so small I have a small werewolf wolf but a fairly big regular wolf," she said with a variety of noises, head movements, and a tail wag.

"Would you like to travel with me?" I asked her. She smiled, and nodded.

"Then lets run," I said with an eager shake, and took off.

Leopards aren't super fast, but they can run at a lope efficiently for quite a while. Ava easily matched my pace, and we ran together, covering the miles with long strides.


I slowed to a jog quite some time later. The sun was beginning to set. We had run all day.

Ava slowed with me. I asked her if she wanted to morph back, but she said we could hunt like this easier. I agreed, so we set off to hunt.

We split up, promising to meed back where we had stopped.

I wasn't a very experienced hunter, so I let my leopard instincts take over. As a cat I had excellent night vision.

I soon heard a big rustling noise. It was a deer, I could tell by it's heartbeat. Perfect.

I went into stalking mode, crouching, my paws soundless against the carpet of pine needles and dead leaves on the forest floor.

Then, me leopard completely took over. I lunged for the lone deer, taking it down. My claws ripped into it's back, warm blood splattering my fur. My teeth ripped into the fresh meat and I ate. When I was finished I met Ava as promised. Her belly was full, as was mine, so together we slept.


so what do you think of good evil and the gray area so far? please comment! if u read this looking for a good book, please add it to your library! i uploaded three chapters today, so please reward me with a comment! or maybe vote....:) and if you really like it.....FAN!!!!!!

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