chapter 38

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I stalked out of the tent. I felt bad that I had said anything, but really? How could she hold such a grudge against these people? Yes, they had killed her parents. But it was those parents that paid no attention to her, that she honestly disliked. 

I sighed, and kicked a clump of dirty snow. A small, malnourished girl walked timidly up to me, and I looked over at her, anger evident in my eyes. 

"What?" I asked.

"Um, well, I'm sorry, but... you have to go back inside." She said, quivering.

I snarled, and leaped. In midair I was a sleek panther. I wasn't about to become something small in a camp full of werewolves. I bared my teeth at her, and bounded toward teh woods. My black coat stood out against the stark whites and grays of this landscape, but I didn't care. I was faster then wolves, much faster. 

And then there were six burly gray wolves forming a wall infront of me. I stopped in mid leap and dropped to the ground, turning as fast as I could. But I was surrounded. 

"I didn't mean to run away. I just wanted to take a walk. I'm sorry, I'll go back without a fight." I said quickly, standing up as a human. 

The wolves just snarled, and pressed closer to me. I could feel the heat steaming off their heaving flanks. At least I had given them some exercise. 

I put my hands in the air and gulped nervously. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead, even though I was freezing. 

"Um, please don't hurt me. Really, I just got into a fight with Ava, and I needed some air. I'm sorry!" The last words were a squeak. I gulped, and turned my head, feigning submittance. Then, when I could feel the clostest wolves hot breath on my cheeck, I jumped as high as I could. I came down a siberian tiger. No, this cat was not suited to the climate, but it is the biggest one I could do, can do. I came down with my huge, razor sharp claws fully extended and huge ivory teeth bared in a snarl. 

I felt my claws rip through thick, matted fur and flesh. I tore them free and struck out, struggling for survival. I would have no trouble with normal wolves, but these were huge. Then, I remembered my fire.

I hadn't used my fire in so long. I hardly ever did, because it took so much energy. But right now, under a huge, writhing pile of wolves, I thought it was worth it. Even as a tiger, I couldn't fight my way out of this one. 

I transformed back in a flash, and was on fire in seconds. As a delicate human I obtained quite a few minor injuries in the split second when I was under the pile, but the wolves were jumping off me and yelping as soon as they felt the first tounges of flame.

And then I was off and running through the woods. 

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