Chapter 11: Running

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Ava and I started as just allies, but we were becoming friends. We knew as much about each other as we knew ourselves, which isn't saying a lot in my case, but is in Ava's. What I mean by that is I knew as much about Ava as Ava did, and the reverse.

We helped each other, and told each other everything. Not that we wouldn't know everything anyway, because we were living together out in the middle of nowhere, but still.

Ava was slowly training me, and I was teaching her. I knew how to fight, but Ava was teaching me more. She knew how to survive, but I was showing her how to live in the wilderness.

Ava could always beat me in a fight, without powers. I could obviously burn her to a crisp, so with powers I would win.

Ava had so many ways to hurt a person (or any type of being, for that matter) you wouldn't believe it. She could take you down with both hands tied behind her back. She could make it painful, or painless. She could kill someone without spilling a drop of blood.

Ava Rachir was extremely dangerous, and she knew it. I was glad I had her on my side.


A week passed. Then two. Ava and I had covered a lot of distance. I had started out in Connecticut, and after a couple weeks we were in Northern Canada. We mostly stayed to the wilderness, and stopped for rest frequently once we were in Maine. We crossed into Canada on the Canada-Maine border, slipping past the border stops where cars had to stop and be checked. We were there, in southern Canada, when we were attacked.


Sorry this is so short! This story is about to get interesting. Sorry if some people think it has been boring!! Anyway, read, add to your library, comment, maybe vote if you really like it, and if you really really like it.....FAN!!!!:) anyway, thanks for reading!


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