Good, Evil, and the gray area: chapter 20

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I came up, gasping for air. We had met two of Zahir's friends at the pond. It was fairly small, but clear and pretty deep. I had just been under for probably a full minute. We were playing shark. I had no idea how Zahir and his friends had even ever heard of sharks, but they knew the game well.

In shark three people (or however many there are minus one- the shark) are the victims. As a victim you can swim around, but can't get out of the water. One person is the shark. As the shark you attack people from below, and try to drag them under. Once the shark has them under they have to be either in total control of the shark or surrender. Once you surrender, you become a shark as well.

The Africans were extremely good swimmers, and were great at the game. I could barely keep up with them. They didn't worry about hurting each other, and were used to me, so they didn't worry about me either. At first they were gentle, and treated me with kid gloves, but I had beat them at enough things that they now either didn't care if they hurt me, or didn't believe they could.

I had survived as the only victim for quite a while. The boys were murderous. One would ambush you, and while you were occupied with that one the other would come up behind you.

Then, we I heard a rustling in the bushes. I leaped from the water, sending water droplets splashing. A quick rainbow formed in the mist, but I didn't pause to enjoy it. My nose twitched, smelling a scent that I had hoped to smell ever since I had been abducted.


She smelled like a wolf, so I knew she was in wolf form. In response, I morphed. I changed to a panther, the form she was most familiar with. It had been so long since I had morphed, I sighed in relief. I had been aching to do this for days, literally. I gratefully stretched my muscles, leaping into the trees and following Ava's scent.

I bounded through the brush, not even thinking about Zahir and his friends. I would find them later and explain.

Ava's scent grew stronger and stronger, and I ran faster and faster.

Then, I stumbled into a clearing, and all hell broke loose.


sorry its so short! i didn't have time to write a longer one. I wont upload until prob a week from today.....

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