Chapter 30

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yay! avas alive!:) i hope i made you all happy. anyways, on with the story. vote, comment!


After a delicious meal prepared by some of the older women in the tribe, Ava and I decided to take a walk. We made our way along a rambling path, pushing stray branches out of the way.

"So, do you really have freckles?" I asked with a smile. Ava looked at me curiously.

"No, why? Does it look like I do?" She replied.

I laughed. "Yes. It must just be dirt, ground in."

"Oh. Do you know a little pond where we can wash off?" She asked.

"Don't wash them off! I like them! They've been there since I met you, so apparantly they've survived all the washes so far." I said.

"Oh yeah, because there were so many times that we took a bath. And did we ever use soap?" Ava asked with a chuckle. I laughed. "Seriously though, I at least need at least a quick swim." She repeated.

"Yeah. Let's go get some soap." I smiled.

We headed back to the camp. I started to skip.

"What are you doing?" Ava asked.

"I'm just so happy that you're alive!" I answered, with a grin on my face so wide that my cheeks actually hurt. I continued skipping, my chest light. I hadn't been this happy in my entire life.

Ava began to skip with me. She giggled, and I laughed in response.

"Why are you skipping?" I asked with a light giggle.

"I'm happy you're alive!" She replied mimicking my voice. I glared at her, but after a second the grin took over my face once more. I was just so happy.

A bunch of little bodies hit my face. Bugs. I spat, rubbing my eyes.

"Eww!" I exclaimed, wiping my face and flicking my hands, trying to get the bugs off.

I looked up to see Ava's face, covered in bug guts. "Your- your- your face is covered in bug juice!" I said, holding in laughter because she was glaring at me angrily. She had cleared spots so she could see, and looked like a backwards raccoon, with white spots over her eyes instead of black.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. Tears leaked from my eyes, and I doubled over with laughter.

After I had laughed uncontrolably for several minutes, before my stomach began to hurt. I looked up at Ava, tears streaming down my face. She was staring at me irritably.

"I just almost died, and you're laughing?" She said angrily. I kept laughing. "What's so funny?" She exclaimed.

"You almost just died because you ate some bugs?" I asked.

"No, you turd! I almost died from the magical poison that was on that idiot's weapon!" She said. I sobered up instantly.

"So, how did you get the antivenom anyway?" I asked.

"Well, they had the spider bite me. Then, I was stable, and felt fine exept for the festering spider bite on my arm, so I went with Zahir and the medicine man to a hospital, where they treated my. Zahir and Abungu stayed outside." She replied.

My jaw dropped. "You went without me?" I asked, hurt.

"Well, you were unresponsive. Histerical when you awoke. We couldn't even get you to drink, or eat, let alone listen so we could tell you to calm down, that I wasn't dead." Ava said.

"Sorry about that." I said, embarrased.

"Lee, I'm glad that you care so much about me. However, I want you to keep living if something happens to me. I would know that you would want me to keep going if you died, and I would. I would at least try. You can't just shut down. Okay?" Ava said, looking me in the eye. I nodded, choked up.

"Okay Ava. Thanks." I said. She smiled.

"Now stop being upset. I'm alive, you're alive, and we're together. Now let's get some soap!" She said with a quick grin.

"Yes ma'am!" I said with a quick salute.

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