Chapter 43

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I walked away from Ava, through the snowy forest, Achen at my side. She was smirking, her green eyes turned up at the corners. The expression made me nervous. 

"So. You decided I was right," Achen said. I frowned. 

"No, I didn't. I made a decision, and you just happened to have made a similar decision. Not the same decision, a similar one. So you know what, Achen?" I said, mocking, "shut up!" 

Her expression was surprised, but it soon twisted into a confident grin. The child was way too cocky, way too self confident. Way too much like Ava in looks, but not enough in personality. 

Then, it was too loud and too dangerous to talk. I jumped, twisting in the air to become a simple house cat. My house cat was a silver-gray tiger, and I regretted the fact that it wasn't black. 

I snuck, jumping from shadow too shadow. I didn't know and didn't care where Achen was. Even though she could become a powerful bargaining tool, I didn't hate her enough to use her like that, and I didn't like her enough to work with her. 

I put all thoughts of the girl I betrayed out of my mind, and thought instead of the task at hand. I had to go, find the gray haired woman, and negotiate with her. I would fight with them, with one condition. If Ava was found, she would be taken captive, not killed. 

I repeated it over and over in my head, not letting any other thoughts crowd it out. I couldn't let myself stop focusing. I just couldn't.  I had to find the woman, name my conditions, fight. 

I couldn't look at the faces I would kill. Couldn't concentrate on the families I would ruin. 

I broke into a sprint, hoping that the speed would take my mind off of my nervous thoughts. Then, I broke through the edge of the clearing. 

The sight was a shock. Bodies lay everywhere, wolves as well as humans. All very, very still. Other bodies, people, were standing, frozen in strange positions.

"Ah, Lee. So you've come back just in time to be killed," snarled a distinctly feminine voice. 

I turned, pulling my lip into a snarl and letting out a low growling yowl, rising to a scream. I stood, becoming human as I did so. 

"What have you done?" I asked, my eyes just as cold as hers. 

"I have done nothing. It's you. You're wishes to stop the war, if only subconcious, evidently stopped it. I don't know what you are, Lee, but you are throwing too much of a variable into our plans. It is time you died."

With that, the gray haired woman pulled out a gun and shot me. 


so, it's really really short, and im sorry, but i didn't really have time to write a long chapter... so yeah. commentvotefan

-wren (btw thats my new pen name! wohoo!)

Good, Evil, and the Gray Area (FIRST DRAFT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang