Good, Evil, and the gray area: chapter 21

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alright guys, listen. I know people r reading, however, im not getting nearly as much feedback as i'd like. please please please give me feedback. i would appreciate it sooooo much! i totally understand if u dont vote and fan, although id appreciate it. please just give me comments, positive or negative!


I lay on the ground, gasping. I could feel my heart laboring as it struggled to keep me alive. There was a pool of blood under me, my own blood. It was sticky, and warm against my skin. My breathing was shallow.

All I could think was, I'm dieing. I can't believe it. I'm dieing. I hope Ava survives without me. Please, please, please let Ava survive.

Then, anger flooded my body, and I could feel my limbs shaking from the burst of adrenaline. The man that had done this to me had to die. He had hurt Ava too, and I would kill him if I could. But I couldn't. My life was bleeding out of me onto the forest floor, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I shut my eyes, and succumbed to the blackness.

Seemingly moments later, my eyes flew open. A boy was kneeling over me. Zahir.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a garbled mess. Zahir looked at me, concern in his eyes.

"Lee. Lee, are you okay?" He asked urgently. I tried to respond, but couldn't. Instead, I motioned with my hand toward my mouth and a speaking motion that I couldn't speak.

"I'm assuming you can't talk. Let me tell you what happened, okay?" Zahir said. I nodded.

 "You jumped out of the water, and turned into a panther. You ran into the forest, and I followed you. When I caught up, you were bleeding out on the ground, human, surrounded by a bunch of unconscious or dead men, and one smallish wolf." Ava. "You were critically wounded. A normal person would've died. I brought you back here, and here we are."

Finally I could bring myself to speak. "Ava! Where's the wolf?"

"Don't worry. We healed all the men, you, and the wolf. The men ran as soon as they could, and we let them. The healers got the wolf to morph into her human. She is unconscious in the healing tent. You, are here." Zahir said quickly.

"Can I see the wolf? Is she okay?" I asked frantically. My heart was pounding. I had finally found Ava, and she could be dieing.

Zahir looked at me worriedly. In response, I ran out of the tent.

My muscles were stiff, and I was sore. I felt something rip in my side, but I didn't stop. I had to get to Ava. I had to talk to her.

My feet pounded the dust, kicking it up in plumes. My breath became short and raspy. Finally I was at the healing tent. I slowed down slightly as I barged in.

Ava was laying in a corner. An old woman was bent over her, using a cloth to trickle water into her mouth. Her big green eyes were closed. As I watched, they opened.

"Ava!" I yelled.

"Lee. You're okay. I'm so glad!" She replied, her eyes twinkling. I sighed in relief. Everything would be okay. Ava was okay, I was okay. We would be all right.

Then, the woman moved to reveal that Ava's left leg was almost completely severed below the knee. The wound was open, and looked to be infected. I sucked in a breath, then ran to her side.

"Ava, I'm so sorry. I should've been there faster. I shouldn't have let us get separated in the first place. This is all my fault!" I was in tears by the last sentence. Sobs caught in my dry throat. I dropped to my knees and buried my head in my hands. "This is all my fault!"

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