Chapter 25

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"What the heck?" I exclaimed, frustrated to the point of tearing my hear out. It was hot, and I was sweaty, and we still couldn't find the spider.

The sun shone brightly, and the air felt like a hot, smothering blanket. We were in Arkansas, smack in the middle of Brown Recluse Spider territory. However, we couldn't find a single Brown Recluse. Other spiders yes, but Brown Recluse? Of course not. And we were on a time table too. Ava was dieing back in Africa.

Zahir had succesfully teleported (or whatever you want to call it) us to Arkansas, and we had been searching for probably two and a half hours. We hadn't known how long the teleport would take, so we brought a watch that an African had traded for. However, the teleport seemed to have totally messed it up. We didn't even know what time it was. Ava could be dead.

"We need to find a clock and see how much time we have left. Obviously just looking isn't going to work." I said with a sigh, knee deep in rotten wood. We were definetly running a risk of getting bitten ourselves, but that was a risk we were willing to take.

The medicine man, whose name was Abungu, spoke quickly and softly. Zahir translated. "He says that he agrees."

"Okay. Lets find the closest house. I'll go inside and ask for the time." I probably looked pretty bad, but if people saw Zahir and the medicine man, coal black, barefoot, and wearing only a loincloth in Zahir's case, accompanied by several necklaces and traditional medicine man headwear in Abungu's case, they'd probably freak.

We were back behind an abandoned house, looking in the shed and woodpile for the elusive spiders. There probably wouldn't be an accurate clock inside, so we would have to find another house.

We walked through the grass, the sun pounding down on us. I felt weak, and dizzy. It was hot in Africa, but at least in the forest it was shaded, and there were plenty of ways to cool down. Out here in the direct sun it was unbearably hot.

I tramped up the little hill behind the house, through the overgrown yard. The grass was choked with weeds, and everything was dry because of the heat. It seemed that there had been a drought here for a week or so. Maybe all the spiders were dead, and we needed to find a different country. I didn't know what to do.

"Lee! Are you even listening?" Zahir called out, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Sorry. I zoned out. Whats up?" I responded.

"The amazingly hot sun." He said, cracking a smile. I didn't smile in return. It was just too hot. "Abungu was saying that maybe we should teleport to a different country."

"I was thinking the same thing," I replied, "but first lets just find a clock."

Zahir translated that, and Abungu nodded knowingly. Leave it to a medicine man to be totally cool and confident in a situation like this.

We finally made it to a dirt road, and followed it until we came to another house. This one looked occupied, and a car sat in the yard, running. Perfect.

I opened the door of the car and peeked at the time. It was noon exactly. I quickly changed that to African time mentally. We had exactly four hours until Ava would either die, or be too far gone to save.


sorry its so short! i put a pic on the side its a cover by amylivingmylife i really like it, she made two and ill post the other one later maybe.....:) hopefully it worked and i dont look like an idiot now

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