Chapter 48

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I crept up behind the group, keeping my large blue eyes trained on their backs. It was a group of five or six wolves and two humans, all fighting something or someone. That thing was in the middle of the circle of writhing bodies, so I couldn't tell what- or who- it was. 

I crouched, my long white belly fur brushing the ground. My eyes narrowed as I zeroed in on my target: the largest wolf that I could see, black with a long, hairless, white scar running across his snout. I grinned with cat's teeth, confident in my fighting abilities but wishing I had chosen a bigger cat. Like a tiger, or a panther. A black panther. That'd be nice. 

Having second thoughts, I paused, and made the decision to morph. Now that my rib was better, it should be quicker and less painful. I crouched lower, backpedaling, worried that the gleam of my eyes in the beam of the flashlights would attract attention. 

I morphed, choosing a large black panther, one of my favorite cats. It was quick, and relatively painless. Relieved, I panted softly, my long pink tounge hanging out and tasting the air. 

I crouched once more, my muscles tensing as I prepared to jump. The black wolf was prowling around the outside of the pack, and easy target. 

I jumped, launching myself high through the air and landing squarely on it's back. It turned, snapping it's long white teeth together. I locked my teeth around it's ruff, biting in and tasting it's sour blood. Then, I jumped off it's back into the middle of the fight, intending to find out who or what was causing such a commotion. 

"Ava?" I growled, seeing a small human crouched in the center. The girl turned, not understanding me. It was Ava, with her greasy brown hair and dirty face. 

"Lee?" she asked, quizzical, never pausing in her fight. I nodded, baring my teeth in a smile that probably looked more like a snarl. "If it is you, nod your head," she said, taking a wolf down with a quick chop to it's neck. It fell limply to the ground. 

I nodded quickly, wanting to get this over with so we could escape. She saw, nodded, and turned back to the fight.  

I felt a wolf breathing down my neck and jumped, spinning, to land across from it with a snarl etched across my features, my lips curled up and my eyes narrowed. The big, scruffy gray wolf whimpered, turning and running, and I laughed. 

Then I felt teeth latching onto my neck and shaking. I tried to turn, but was impeded by whatever wolf had a hold of my neck. Finally, I wrenched away and turned, looking into the gray eyes of the black wolf. One of them was milky and sightless. Taking advantage of that, I circled toward it, taking my time in advancing.

It was a mistake. The wolf barked out a laugh as another wolf landed squarely on my back, it's claws sinking into my short black fur. I let out a scream, and flipped myself, squishing the wolf but leaving my soft underbelly open to attack. The black wolf, with it's ruthlessly sharp features, opened it's mouth and was about to rip into my belly when a bare human foot connected with his throat. 

I scrambled to my feet, looking up at Ava gratefully. She smiled, and turned, looking for more wolves to fight but finding none. They were strewn about the corridor, the dim light barely illuminating them. Without my cat eyesight I wouldn't be able to pick them out. 

I cocked my head, motioning for Ava to morph so we could get out of there. She readily complied, her wolf's tail brushing against the side of the tunnel. 

"Kind of nasty and damp down here, isn't it?" she stated. I nodded, grinning with my oversized cat teeth. 

"Um, Achen is hurt. Maybe even dead. We should go check on her," I said, not holding out any hope. I had been gone for a long time, passed out in the woods. I was curious as to how Ava had escaped, but the story was for another time when we were safe and cosy. In Africa, maybe, on a visit to Zahir. I sighed. I visit to Zahir wouldn't be coming any time soon. 

Ava looked at me, sadness in her eyes. I understood her sorrow, for they were twins, it seemed, although they had just met. 

We walked through the maze of tunnels for a while. I was totally lost, but Ava took each turn confidently and immediatly. I was scared we would run into another wolf, but luckily when we reached the opening to the stairs we hadn't seen a single other soul.

"Who won?" I asked, curious. Ava smiled.

"The wizards won, but the werewolves are rallying their forces. Who knows who'll come out on top? I mean, maybe one of the species will get wiped out in this stupid war!" she exclaimed, her smile turning almost instantly to a frown. I placed a sympathetic look on my face, although I didn't care that much. She was safe, I was safe, back in Africa Zahir was safe, I was happy. Selfish as you may think me, I don't care. I only cared for myself and my close friends. 

She started up the stairs wearily and I trailed her, looking over my shoulder. She reached the top after a lot of steps, and pushed the trapdoor open with her head. It flipped open, and stayed that way, allowing us to crawl out into the dawn. 


sorry it took so long... enjoy

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