Good, Evil, and the gray area: chapter 22

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Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes. I was kneeling on the ground in the medicine tent, practically hysterical. I had just found out that the wound wouldn't heal, and was poisoned. Ava could be dieing. The doctors (or the people who treated the sick in the Sengele tribe) didn't know anything about this poison. That meant that they didn't know the antidote.

Ava had tried to comfort me. It was just like her to try to make me feel better when it was her that should be getting comforted.

The only option was amputating the leg. But what was Ava going to do with three legs? She needed to be able to run. That's how she lived. And it was my fault that she was either going to die, or lose her leg.

Ava kept telling me it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't believe her. I knew that if I had gotten there faster, or not gotten separated that day in the forest, she might be okay now. The day I was abducted seems so long ago now.

I took a deep breath. I had to be strong, for Ava. The tribe couldn't see me like this. I had to pull myself together.

"Are you ready to hear what happened?" Ava asked. I nodded silently, not daring to speak. I didn't want to break down and cry.

"Before you woke up that morning I had been awake for a while. I was just dozing, keeping an eye out for trouble. Then, all of a sudden I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. I tried to yell out to you, to tell you to run, but I couldn't. All I could do was watch as you woke up, tried to wake me up, got scared, and got shot. I saw you collapse, and then I saw the men take you away." I nodded, showing that I understood her story so far.

"I was frozen for probably three hours. I was lucky that something didn't come along and eat me, or attack me, but I figured that it was because my body heat went down so much. Finally, I felt a tingling in my extremities. Slowly, I unfroze.

"I tried to follow the trail, but I couldn't. I even went wolf to try and smell better, but there was some sort of spell or something that made me keep getting lost.

"I didn't want to give up, I really didn't Lee, but there was nothing I could do. Night was falling. I set up camp, intending to look for you in the morning, and went to sleep.

"Life continued like that for probably a week. Then, one day, I had a strange dream. My dream was that I woke up, and saw you come flying down, look at me, and leave. I tried to talk to you, but you were gone before I could say anything."

I quickly interrupted her. "I dreamt that I flew down and saw you. That either was a coincidence, a shared dream, or not a dream. Maybe it was real."

Ava was silent for a moment, staring at me. Then, she kept speaking. "Then one night I was attacked. I killed a person. I don't know if it was a man, or a woman. It kept shifting faces, from you, to Storer, to my parents. However, it was attacking me. I almost lost it when I saw it turn into you right as I killed it. But I pulled myself together. It couldn't be you. However, I ran. I ended up morphing at some point, but I just kept running. I don't know when I passed into Africa, but I did." She paused to take a breath.

"I saw the creature you killed. It had your face." I said, "It must have been trying to get you to let your gaurd down. And I saw your trail. That's when I stumbled into Africa, and got caught in a trap." I said.

"Since then, I've been wandering this forest." She gestured to the forest outside the tent. "I avoided tribes, and looked for you. Then, I was ambushed by a bunch of white men. You know the rest." Ava finished.

A tear slowly traced it's way through the dust on her cheek. I walked over to her and gave her a gentle hug, being careful of her wounds. She cried into my shoulder, and I gently rubbed her back, holding back tears myself.

"I was taken to a camp." I began, "I woke up in mid afternoon. A man came and talked to me. His name was Immanuel. He was invisible, because he had an invisibility spell that was also a shield spell. He handed me over to his wife to be made presentable for a meeting. They tried to get me to join their side. They would've killed me as soon as I said no, but an army of werewolves came running into the camp. I used them as a distraction, and got away. When I was getting my clothes, Immanuel's wife tried to kill me. Then, I ran away and started looking for you. I stumbled into Africa, fell into a trap, and was rescued by Zahir. I've been staying here and looking for you since."

The whole time I spoke softly, with Ava in my arms. Her tears had stopped by the time I finished.


i hope you liked this chapter. It's pretty long, just for u guys:) please comment, please please please please


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