Chapter 16: Dreams... true, or false?

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I woke up slowly, lingering in the space between sleep and waking. I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning.

I sat for a minute, remembering the dreams that I had had. I had dreamt about the woman- Immanuel's wife- and what she had told me. She had said "beware your own kind", and it was stressing me out, even though she had been trying to kill me right before she said it.For that matter, I didn't even know what my own kind was.

In my dream I saw a sleek spaceship depart from a planet that wasn't earth. There were being aboard, I could sense them somehow. I followed it through space until earth came into view. When it did, the spaceship looped around and landed on the moon.

The door of the spaceship slid open with a hiss, and I saw a bare foot slide out. A human foot. Then I saw an animal fluidly leap from the door, going over the owner of the foot. It was a fox, a big one. The fox was red, with a white tail, as is the traditional coloring. It sat down and licked it's ruffled tail fastidiously.

Then I was zooming away, towards earth. Everything was a blur, and earth got bigger and bigger as I neared it. When I got close enough to start to see individual trees I changed direction swiftly and flew off to my left. By now I was so disoriented that I didn't even have vauge idea of where I was.

Then I slowed to a stop. I was above the camp, where I had met Immanuel. It was trashed, with all the valuables gone. You could see there had been a battle, even without a trained eye like I have. I began moving again, and was soon going as fast as I had been going before. I soon slowed to a stop again, just long enough to see that the wizards had set up camp again, and had at least nine men alive and well. That was all I could see.

Lastly, I zoomed away again, and stopped to see Ava. She was up in a tree, sleeping fitfully. Then, her green eyes snapped wide open, as though she had sensed me. She started to speak, but before I could hear what she was going to say, drifted away. My mind settled on a different topic: Immanuel's wife.

She was standing in front of me, whispering over and over: "you cannot trust your own kind", or "beware your own kind".

As I contemplated this, I heard a rustling in the bushes.  I stood warily, realising that I was in a bobcat form. That was a good thing, as the rustling turned out to be a rabbit. I licked my lips. Breakfast.

I leaped out of the tree, and was on the unsuspecting rabbit within seconds. It never knew what hit it. I skinned it and ate it quickly, then looked around me, finding the path I had been following.

I could scent the wizards to my left, so I figured that was the way that went towards their camp. Being the genius that I am, I had forgotten to mark the tree that I had slept by with an arrow like I usually do.

I was feeling extremely good, so I decided to morph into a bird so I could look for signs of Ava from the air. She couldn't be to far from where I was, could she?

I contemplated that for a second, then my dream. The woods looked basically the same as the woods that I was in now, so that might have meant that she was close. However, in Canada a lot of the woods look the same.

I then decided to do something I had never tried, morph into a hawk. I needed really good eyesight, and a hawk would give that to me. I smiled in anticipation. I felt so good, like I could morph into a bird with no problem, create a raging inferno without losing my breath, anything.

I calmed my nerves and let my mind drift. Then, I focused. I thought of a hawk, every detail of it. Then, I imagined myself morphing into the hawk I had imagined.

My limbs trembled, and I began to grow feathers on my arms. I smiled, and my lips turned into a beak. I let out an exited shriek. Then, I was fully a hawk. l took off into the air, narrowly avoiding tree limbs in my excitement. I had a good time for five minutes or so, swooping, diving, feeling the wind in my feathers.

I realised that I needed to get going, so I flapped my wings hard, pointed myself in the direction I wanted to go in, and soared on the currents.


alright guys, I hope you liked this chapter. please comment, vote, and fan. Mostly I just want feedback though, so please please please comment.


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