Chapter 3: Escape is immenent, duh!

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I don't know how long I slipped in and out of consciousness. The one time I woke fully the nurse came in once again with a shot.

The next time I woke I didn't open my eyes, pretending not to have woken at all. Slowly, I opened one eye a slit, taking in my surroundings. Then I rolled over, still feigning sleep, and took in the other side of the room.

I smiled slightly, noticing a window, but stifled it quickly. If I was found awake my escape would be ruined.

I flexed my stomach muscle, feeling for the restraints. They were still there.

I grimaced. I had hoped they would have taken them off, since I was drugged anyway, but apparently they weren't taking any chances. Smart, for humans.

I felt powerful, brimming with energy. I must have been out for a long time to have fully recovered from that fire.

Oh well. At least I had energy.

I moved my hand closer to the restraint, feeling along it discreetly for a weak point, and found one.

No point in trying to use force, that hadn't worked, so I released some energy in the form of fire. The flames didn't burn me, just barely tickling me. Gently, like old friends.

They were old friends, and the only ones I had.

Now I had to work quickly. The camera was on, and a nurse would be on her way here now, or maybe someone with more experience in the area of twelve year old girls that can create fire.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I burned through all of the bonds as quickly as I could, no point in being discreet now. Soon they were all melted and lay smoldering around me.

You would think these people would be smart enough to make them fire-proof.

I jumped up and ran towards the window. Just as I reached it, the door burst open. I glanced back.

This wasn't a starchy, bustling nurse, this was a full blown doctor. I'm soooo scared. Couldn't they send something (or someone) a little more difficult?

I strode back toward him, and hit him with a quick chop to the neck.

I took a step back, and sprinted to the window. Then, bunching my muscles, I jumped, sailing right through the window.

It was closed.

Oh well, a few scratches aren't that bad, right?

Wrong. Ow.

I landed in a heap outside the window. Two stories down.

Good thing I am developing my flying skills!

And no, that wasn't a joke. I really can fly, sadly only as a bird though. Don't even ask. Yeah, I'm a mutant freak. Yeah, I know.

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