party and some more

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Bonjour mes amis!!! I am really sorry for the wait. I hope you like this chapter. It isn't edited. Please overlook the flaws and errors as I have written this chp on phone.

Warning :Contains SEXUAL content.

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Damien left for his meeting by 5 in the evening. After their heart to heart talk they both spent their time watching twilight which Damien so totally hated. After Damien left Renee took a pair of black jeans and a bright red corset top and black pumps and headed to Jess' room. As soon as Renee entered Jess' room she was greeted by he sight of Jess trying to rip apart a wardrobe as she continued to hurl clothes all over the room. Jess let out a frustrated and impatient growl as she squatted down on the floor and gave Renee a sad look. "I can't find my new dress Rey"She groaned."What am I gonna wear now.?Rey help me!" Jess asserted overdramatically.

Renee sighed at her friends theatrics and headed to her closet to find her a decent dress to wear.

After about an hour they finally selected dress which Jess liked. The dress was a violet one piece which stopped mid thigh with a flare. When Renee showed Jess her jeans and top Jess just mumbled something how plain it was. She searched the heap of clothes on the floor and pulled out a black mini skirt. It was exquisite with a little embroidery and sequences. "Wear this Rey it will look good. Show off those sexy legs! " She said excitedly. Renee held the skirt in her hand and assessed it keenly. It would stop mid thigh. She decided to wear it. As tgey finished deciding what to wear the click struck 7. Renee and Jess decided to leave in their wolf form. They stuffed their clothes in a plastic bag so that they could change in the woods. Renee jumped from the window and transformed into her beautiful wolf. She was a little larger than Jess's wolf which was brownish beige in colour. 'Lets head to his house. We can change behind the trees once we near his house. 'Jess said through the link. Damien had blocked his mind link so they could not contact each other. Both the wolves reached the outskirts of the woods near the house. Renee quickly went behind the large tree and changed into her clothes. The black skirt was shorter than she expected. She combed her hair with the help of her fingers and applied a little lip balm. Meanwhile Jess slipped on her violet dress and tied up her hair up in a messy bun. She stepped out from behind the tree to find Renee already waiting for her. Her friend looked really beautiful with those beautoful legs and brown hair. Renee was oblivious of her beauty. Guys in school looked at her with so much lust in their eyes!

Renee saw her frirnd and beamed. She looked really pretty! "Lets have the time of our lives Rey! !" Jess asserted confidently. Both of them headed towards the house. The music coukd be heard cleary in the woods too.No sooner did they enter the house, they were greeted by the smell of liquor and the sight of teenage wolves and humans grinding each other. Jess squealed with excitement as she pulled renee by the hand to the kitchen. Renee notices some familiar faces from school. As they reach the kitchen Jess says,"Let's grab a drink and head to the dance floor!"

"No I don't think I wanna drink Jess "

"Oh Rey come one let go for once. You know it that after you mate completely you will never get to do this.! Lighten up Rey. Have a beer. You won't get drunk that easily. "

"Okay fine. Give me the damn bottle"Renee says begrudgingly. Renee tilts the bottle and gulps down the beer in one go. The cool liquid burns her throat. She takes long swig and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand as she searches for a familiar face. She spots Jake drinking and laughing with his friends. As if sensing her eyes on him he looks and holds a gaze for sometime before smiling at her. He excuses himselfand approaches her. On nearing her he sniffs tge air and stiffens."Bunny why the hell are you in this party when you are in heat? Does Damien know you are here? God dammit you are driving all the unmated guys crazy because of your pheremones. "Jake almost yells at her.

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