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My breathing stopped. I was unsure if it was because of the weight of her foot on my chest, or because she was standing over me.

A cold chill ran down my spine.


She was supposed to be dead. Mattheo promised me she was dead...


Panic started filling my veins.

Enzo was just inches away from me. I couldn't let him get sucked into whatever it was my mother had planned for me. I wouldn't let him go down with me.

I had to get away from here, get him away.

I strained against the weight of her boot, trying to push it off, but it was like trying to move a mountain. I felt a surge of desperation and fear as I realized I was trapped.

Enzo's eyes locked onto mine, and I could see the determination and concern etched on his face. He knew I was in trouble, and he was trying to figure out what to do.

I tried to mouth something to him, to warn him away, but my lips were frozen. My mother's gaze was fixed on me, her eyes boring into my soul like ice picks.

"My dear girl, fighting for the other side? I am embarrassed." She whispered as she bent down to my level.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as her breath whispered against my ear, her words dripping with disdain. I tried to respond, but my frozen lips couldn't form a sound.

"So beautiful you turned out to be, these months have done you well." A wicked smile filled her face.

I felt a surge of revulsion at her words, my mind reeling with the realization that she was enjoying this moment, reveling in my captivity. The air seemed to grow colder as her smile grew wider, her eyes glinting with malice.

She brought her hand up to my face, and cupped my cheeks, moving my face side to side to get a better look. I felt a wave of horror wash over me as her cold fingers touched my skin. I tried to jerk my head away, but her grip was like ice, unyielding and unrelenting. Her eyes seemed to bore into mine, searching for something, and I knew I had to resist her gaze.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Enzo's voice sounded strained, as he yelled.

My mother's gaze flicked towards Enzo, her eyes flashing with annoyance at his outburst. She tightened her grip on my cheeks, her fingers digging deeper into my skin. I felt a surge of pain as her nails cut into my face, and fear as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against my ear.

"Mind your tongue, boy," she hissed. "You'll do well to remember your place."

Enzo squirmed under a death eater who had him by the throat, pinned to the wall, his eyes blazing with defiance. "I won't let you hurt her," he growled.

My mother's smile grew wider, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I think you'll find that I'm not going to hurt her," she purred. "At least, not yet. You see, I have plans for her. Big plans."

"I'd rather die than ever stand by you." I whispered with whatever breath I had.

My mother's eyes snapped back to mine, her gaze piercing and cold, as she lifted her hand and smacked me across the face. The stinging spreading across my cheek, and I thrashed against her hold.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "Just like your mother, your just like me, yn."

Enzo's struggles against the Death Eater grew more violent, his eyes flashing with anger and determination.

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